Looking for an outfit

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by OoterDuder420, Mar 11, 2013.

  1. OoterDuder420

    Lvl 10 (noob) Combat medic, willing to learn other classes. Also have TS but cant talk most of the time due to a TV/wife an kids but i can listen an take orders. Not really looking for "hardcore" outfits just want to team up with some people an have fun killing other people lol. I work at nights so when i play its mosty in the mornings from like 9 till about 12 or so, then i get on at nights around 8:30 or 9 ish. Mondays i have off so i play a little more on that day. Thanks for reading.
  2. maniajack

  3. Joshinya42

    Check out the link in my signature, that address will take you to our website via browser and to our TeamSpeak3 via your TS3 client, default port and no PW.
    Always lookin for more Combat Medics, my personal favorite class. We are definitely noob friendly, we actually have small squads that break off with veterans/officers leading in order to help our new members get a feel for the game and how we operate.
  4. Forlorn Hope

    Good Morning OoterDuder420,

    SMG is always recruiting. Personally I play later at after 9 so I cant vouch for the morning play times but we have usually at least a squad up and running most nights more on Training or Ops night. SMG is a mature, calm & organized gaming group who utilize military structure & teamwork. I wouldn't call SMG "hardcore" per say we are dedicated to excelling at PS2 but that doesn't mean you cant have fun doing it. You will never be forced to play a class/vehicle you have no interest in and we have multiple divisions for you to try out if you haven't found your niche. After a while if you decide that niche isn't you anymore and you want to run something else then you are welcome to do so. SMG would love for you to check us out if your interested. Our website is www.sunderhq.com and in game our squad names have the SMG tag prominently displayed, feel free to join and give us a run. If you would like more information please feel free to PM myself, Foozlekiller or Kaylim on the forums or talk to any SMG member you see in game.

    Hopefully I will see you in game sometime soon, Forlorn Hope