Looking for a crazy crew of TR to join...

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by Meeka, Apr 21, 2013.

  1. Meeka

    I am looking for an active fun-loving comedic outfit to join; preferably a zany crew of mishap heros who do everything right entirely by accident... whose only mission is to have a good time and not worry about the rest.

    After all, it's not all about killing the enemy, sometimes it's about accidentally blowing yourself up and getting a laugh out of it, or rolling a Sunderer accidentally down a steep cliff while everyone screams in fake terror... and most importantly... not caring about the KD unless it's Kraft Dinner, because you're never too old for Kraft.

    On the less important skill side, I'm a pretty good sniper... suck at close combat... but can tear air and armor apart with a heavily certed MAX.

    I've been going it alone for about 43-ish levels, so I think its time I find some like minded individuals. :)

    I prefer a voice crew, but can't do Skype or TeamSpeak, only in-game voice.
  2. Fox Reinhold

    Well, I mean, I really think it's up to YOU to look through the outfit threads and find what fits you. I mean, consider it from the outfit's perspective. If you can't even take the time to read through a few threads of information to get a feel for things, if you can't even take the time to learn how the various outfits work, why would anyone want you in their outfit?

    "Ask not what your Outfit can do for you; ask what you can do for your Outfit!"
  3. Rycon

    Exactly! ^
  4. rangerlee


    Enough said.
  5. NoClipMyst

    903rd is for you! Number 1 in our class (96+) and full of fun loving mature players! Even drinking games on Friday! :D