Longest consistent battle for a single point?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by stug41, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. stug41

    A battle has been literally raging for the crown on the connery server for over 12 hours now. NC held up until a few minutes ago, when the TR finally broke the southern hill. At most times both the VS and TR were attacking the hill from opposite sides. I wonder how many clones died there, at least ten thousand at minimum.
    I myself made over 150 kills, and perhaps 300 revives, in the past 5 hours, among other things. Towards the end, the TR made two very cool air attacks with dozens of gals, libs, and mossies. I'm currently uploading the two videos of those to be posted here.
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  2. Ronaldspiers

    Sweet, I love long batles like that it gets so immersive. And you end up knowing people after a while if they have been there from th get go. So much camraderie (sp?).
  3. buffaloredleg

    That was some of the most fun I've ever had in an MMO ever. I was hurting bad on FPS so I switched to Engineer for support and running around repairing and dropping ammo to keep the NC fight going was an absolute blast.
  4. Ghostick

    I looked at the clock last night, saw 2am and figured I'd have one last run with my Sunderer. I drove it from the Warp gate, through Tawrich, up to the Crossroads, up to the Crown, then over to that Biolab directly west of the Crown. I lost my Sunderer, grabbed a MAX and basically helped the group clustered in the teleporter room to break out, and slowly ground out some capture points, 4 engis on my tail.

    In the Biolab alone I racked up 60 kills and last I checked before my computer finally caved in and crashed I had earned about 180 certs all up in that session. It was 5:30am and my "last run" was over ;)

    While not a battle for a single point, a single life can go a loooong way.
    Edit: We were capping all those points I drove my Sundie through, just to clarify.
  5. Phyr

    Long battles would happen more often if the tank zerg stayed away. You could be having a great fight somewhere, and then the hoard of tanks show up along with a couple rocket pod ESF's and all you're left with is screen shaking from all the explosions.

    The crown is hard to take because of geography, Tanks have a hard time swarming it. Of course if people weren't so afraid of dieing a tank column could easily trample the place, but instead you get 1 or 2 MBT's tiptoeing at the edge.
  6. Gary

    After a certain amount of time the attackers normally give up. They need to implement a system so the longer you participate in a fight the bigger your reward is for the successful capture?
  7. DailyFrankPeter

    Long battles are rewarding.

    Recently with the Tech Plant modified, the battles are shorter. I don't think it's a good direction.
  8. version 13b

    Sounds kinda cute. Nearly reminds the veterans about the standard 20-odd hour sieges of gunuku on werner. You know, back when bases were designed to give the defender a solid position to hold on.
  9. Trysaeder

    The Crown doesn't qualify for being in the 'list of long battles'.

    I remember a brilliant fight on Esamir back in beta, with TR attacking the NC Freyr Amp. The battle lasted for about 4 hours, with TR taking control of the base just 10 minutes before servers came down.
  10. stug41

    If you want to have a dick wagging contest, then one can't ignore the several day battles for Antwerp that were common in WWIIOL prior to 2007.
  11. Vashyo

    I once remember fighting for the Gunuku-base on cyssor for days in PS1, those were the days. None of this blitzkrieg zerg crap around crown with other areas on the map flashing red,blue,purple every minute.
  12. version 13b

    Definately not wanting. Just stating that finally getting long fights (presumably even outside the crown) kinda belongs to the how did the advertising slogan go- "huge battles on huge maps?"- promise of PS2 so its nice that this open beta finally gets some. now we just need to make the bases that are not stuck on the highest hill on the center of the map also worth defending.

    (P.S and yes, the scale of some battles during PS reserves were measured in days, longest siege (again, gunuku) taking more n a week- of course nothing but a myth)
  13. Dictatorfish

    The constant battles around The Crown is the number one reason why I play this game and why I constantly request to my outfit platoon leader for us to stick around in Indar. =]
  14. Kaoschan

    I remeber a time shortly after release of the game ... TR and NC were fighting for the crown.
    I logged in and played for about 2 hours before logging of, having a blast trying to wrestle the crown from the filthy hands of TR.

    I logged off and 3 hours later i logged back in .. the same battle was still raging but now the NC had gained access to the crown and was starting to cap it. Still the TR were fighting like crazy.

    Good Ol Times
  15. newtis

    give links to videos PLEASE :)
  16. Kantner

    I was there! The turret on the bouncy destination that auto suicided the TR invaders was so genius and hilarious!