Long Time Vanu Here, and I'm Unhappy

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThetaEpsilon, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. Juunro

    I see that too, yes, but that is common amongst idiots in tanks across all empires. Often its more hilarious with the VS because one lone engineer will run in and go "I WILL SAVE YOU, ON FIRE MAGRIDER!" only to get run over by 3 different floating mags at once.

    But yes, like I said, I go out of my way to flank VS attacks with a stealth AP Vanguard wherever possible in order to hunt these jerks down and end their farming. And more then half the time I do the Maggie is up in some weird place or clinging to the side of a steep cliff in order to bombard spawn rooms over walls.
  2. Paragon Exile

    Sounds OP.

    We'd better nerf the Liberator.
  3. Trebb

    Yes we see this very frequently, on some continents more than others of course.

    And also just as frequently, us other factions have those same stupid armor pile ups, with the one guy spawning a sundie and afking before leaving the vehicle pad. Fun!
  4. Isokon

    The untold story is that there were probably three magriders on their way to that spot, but two crashed and exploded before they could reach it. :D
    VS lose as many magriders to "suicide" as NC/TR lose vanguards/prowlers combined.
  5. Juunro

    They did. Repeatedly. :)
  6. Flag

    Better nerf it again just to be sure.
  7. maxkeiser

    So much nonsense on this thread it almost beggars belief.

    People seem to have forgotten the days of TR massive dominance, the days of vanu almost becoming extinct on many servers (like woodman) etc etc.
  8. Juunro

    Nah, the Zephyr got somewhat over-nerfed. The Dalton actually requires you to hit stuff now, which is nice. But really, all the things that could spam spawn rooms have been nerfed except the Banshee now, at least assuming the PPA nerf makes it live. At least a Banshee mossy is easier to take out then a Magrider bombarding from render range.

    Look on the bright side VS; once the PPA goes you'll actually have the moral high ground on the Banshee.
  9. Flag

    Read it as the joke it was meant to be.

    As for the Banshee and moral high ground... Considering the current state of the P2-120 and how it performs relative to the Supernova and Titan guns, (and how the AH and L-PPA are roughly even overall), I'd say we already have the moral high ground against TR.
    I'd say "poor NC" if not for some other utter BS in the NC aresenal. :p
  10. TriumphantJelly

    They ARE, however, totally inferior to both the Pounders and Falcons for anti-infantry, and I believe that they have a longer TTK than both at close range on vehicles.
  11. Juunro

    No, no. The NC doesn't have nice things. We need everything buffed.

    If you touch my AC-11x I will stab you in the eye.
  12. Shatteredstar

    Wouldn't change the cries for nerfing vanu. Too many people with an axe to grind against them regardless of balance sadly and would rather tear a faction apart than try to improve their own things or introduce more interesting things.
  13. thenewbie

    This entire thread is why we need the old striker back... and maybe a long range AI weapon for the NC max.
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  14. Shatteredstar

    What? NC needs another shotgun for their max? Sure! That's what you said right? -Parody of Developer

    Not sure old striker would be good, but they are kinda nearing good with the striker again if they tweak more.
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  15. Dieter Perras

    those are AV weapons

    also comets are pretty awesome at dealing with vehicles at range which the other two can't really boast.

    and while ya that could be considered an imbalance when has a battle rested on how good your max av weapons are at dealing with infantry?

    idk when I play VS I find I really like the feel of the comets and haven't heard much complaints about them, but then again who cares about qualitative observations in a media that depends upon how people feel about it. When you can just concentrate on the quantitative?
  16. TriumphantJelly

    I... What?
    Yes, AV weapons. Which is why the AI damage on the Pounders needs a reduction.
    Right, ever heard of these things called Falcons? Yeah... They're better for range.
    Yes, an imbalance. No, it's important to be versatile, if I OHK's flashes but could do nothing against the infantry that rode them, that'd be a pretty important deciding factor in my longevity.

    That last bit is, I think, an attempt to coax an aggressive reaction out of me. I don't even know, though: Those without bias and with experience tend to only complain about meaningful things, and yet... Look at forumside & VS.

    I DO like Comets, but only for AV.
  17. Flag

    I still don't understand why they buffed the AI damage on the pounders...
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  18. Dieter Perras

    Wasn't that changed recently?

    I haven't used falcons much, I recall them being slow and having drop. While I'm not sure if comets are faster I don't think they drop as much.

    not at all just a lingering annoyance I've been having about how people seem to only look at the numbers when talking about balance and seem to forget that qualitative observations are just as if not more important, especially in a video game.

    Now I wouldn't really care if comets got a buff, my point was that they aren't in a bad place and the devs could probably better use their time elsewhere. Like making the spiker funner to use or something.
  19. Ogopogo

    Pounders, in a purely AV situation, tend to be lackluster. It's fine to nerf their AI, so long as they are made more effective for general AV.
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  20. MostlySilent

    Everyone here is arguing balance this balance that.

    That's not the point.

    The point is fighting the VS actually just isn't fun. I will fight the NC as TR every time because they're a lot more fun to fight than the VS.

    I have a special kind of dislike of the VS, I enjoy killing them/taking their things less than I enjoy not having to deal with them period. If there's a fight with the NC and VS, I will choose NC every time.

    That's the problem. Simply put, fighting the VS isn't very fun.