Long Reload vs Short Reload?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AgentBryan, May 2, 2013.

  1. AgentBryan

    Noticed in the patch notes that the Long Reloads and Short Reloads have changed.... and after spending 10 minutes on google, the PS2 wiki and the forums, I can't seem to figure out what exactly these are.

    Could someone explain to me, what a Short and Long reload is? Played for half a year and never knew there were two different types.
  2. llPendragon

    Short reload = reload before completely running out of ammo
    Long reload = reload after completely empty (adds a "re-chamber" type of animation on most guns)
    • Up x 1
  3. AgentBryan

    Ahh I see, thank you for the clarification!
  4. Flaeb

    Like pendragon said. If you reload before going empty, you still have a bullet in the chamber so you just need a new magazine. If you're empty, you need a new magazine, and load a bullet from the new magazine to the chamber, which adds more reload time.
  5. ent|ty

    In other words, a pointless game mechanic in a game with a TTK so low, may guarantee your death.

    Like the bug of having a double reload or reload reset on rockets. 3 seconds is long enough,imagine when it becomes 6 seconds when you're trying to take out a tank, or need that critical shot on a nme Sunderer
  6. Van Dax

    otherwise known as the way guns work and apparently batteries
    edit: mostly just a spoof at the battery thing