LOL Magrider is only Tank that can fire!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceMuppet, Feb 2, 2013.

  1. SpaceMuppet

    Why am I not surprised!

    Vanu get balanced for less then a day, Servers come down for a "hotfix"

    Now Mag riders are the only tanks that DON'T shoot blanks.

    There must be a lot of Vanu tears amongst the Devs who play Vanu for this to happen.
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  2. Otulien

    It's revenge. For the NC and TR to think about what they've done.


    Do you really think they did this on purpose? Really?
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  3. AnnPerkins

    I can just imagine them rolling their eyes going, "Whoooooooooooops. Guess we'll get to that right a... oh wait, 5 o'clock. See you on Monday! :D :D :D :D :D :D"
  4. Brandmon

    I am seeing a general trend with the logic of this forum...

    > Something is not working properly.
    > Clearly intended by evil devs!

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  5. DoctorWhose

    And I can see a clear trend that you cannot see a troll thread when you see it. Its supposed to mock SOE for their inability to produce working patches and hotfixes. I mean.. seriously? Your picture would fit alot more for their QA department.
  6. Otulien

    Good. I thought I was alone.

  7. Lafladitu

    I think they should lock all MBT's from being spawned until they fix the current problem with them
  8. ZardozSpeaksToForums

    If they just removed all the players from the game, the balance would be fine.
  9. Brandmon

    Troll threads are only a fraction of such occourances by now. The problem is that the rest actually believe that the devs purposefully hate their faction and are out to get them with a nerf-bat all the time.
  10. EWarren

    My Mossy's Rotary gun is having the same issue - however it only fires blanks if centered on an enemy target. I can shoot everywhere and see the tracer, but as soon as I have something centered, nothing leaves the barrel.
  11. -Crotalus-

    Blanks for all Vehicles! End the war! Time to rebuild! Hearts and Minds! AWESOMENESS! This is cooler than being a Brony!!!!

    Thanks for the hotfix!!!

    ps. what got hotfixed? everyone in my platoon was screaming about the FPS issues guessing the hot fix was more for the servers crashing/disconnecting everyone?
  12. Gisgo

    They are working hard on it.
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  13. JP_Russell

    It's a very amusing coincidence, to be sure.
  14. AnnPerkins

    they attempted to fix the prowlers being as good as magriders at long range and ended up breaking every vehicle but the magrider.
  15. Skadi

    I still have my Vulcan *****, bring it.
  16. Munq

  17. -Crotalus-

    ahahah OH SNAP!!!!