Lockons make for boring gameplay

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Larolyn, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. lothbrook

    Try being in a vehicle getting locked on by things you can't even see, i consider that to be a lot more concerning than you're idiotic decision to continue to spawn at a place thats been locked down by tank fire.

    Worst is the AV MANA turret, no warning just the signature sound of its rocket slamming into your hull, no rocket trail nothing.
  2. Zotamedu

    They have explained several times what they are doing. They are reducing the fly time quite a bit and then the lock-on time will be proportional to the distance so the close you are, the shorter the lock in time. Then there's some bugs related to pathing that apparently has a fix up on the test server.
  3. HadesR

    Well done Sherlock at adding 2 + 2 and getting 5 .. :rolleyes:
  4. lilleAllan

    I don't know if I should admire or pity the people who will stand around and endure the crushing boredom of firing lock on launchers for extended periods of time, even down right admitting that they're not having fun doing so.
  5. HellasVagabond

    Yet almost every TR HA uses the Striker....Yesterday there where around 10TR shooting strikers to whatever came close to their base on Esamir....It's hilarious and yet extremely ANNOYING to see countless red dots come towards you.....
  6. lothbrook

    Wheres this magical place outside of spawn areas where tanks farm infantry?
  7. Cinnamon

    All sorts of infantry AV squads are boring compared to other things. I get bored in any "standoff" situation where there is not some really aggressive manoeuvring going on.
  8. Zotamedu

    Then you are doing it wrong. I like to hunt tanks with my HA. Where other people run, I try to sneak up on them, hiding behind terrain, trying to blow them up before they find me. If they find me, I'm pretty much dead. It's great fun.
  9. Cinnamon

    That's not an AV squad. That's you going rambo on a tank.
  10. bogroll

    Jeez.. you'd have us all use flintlock pistols at dawn. 28th Century warfare mate (or something). I like lockons. 'Nuff said.
  11. Larolyn

    I am more infantry than tanker / pilot but thanks for bringing a dismissive tone to the table and providing no feedback whatsoever to the discussion. It's appreciated to see where you stand.
  12. Jube

    The changes mentioned do little if anything to make using a lock-on fun to play.
    In fact after testing the changes on the PTR I find little to effect play style with the Striker.
    So the coming changes aren't really changes at all, they are a sad attempt to quiet the masses.
    The OP is absolutely correct using the Striker is mind numbingly boring.
    Last night I shot down a BR100 Scythe with a ML-7. Granted it was a one in a million shot but it was also the highlight of the night.
    All my Striker kills together haven't provided me with as much fun as that one ML-7 kill.
    The lock-on mechanic should be removed from the Striker if not the game entirely.
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  13. Necron

    It would also be better without aircraft and tanks... full stop.
  14. LowTechKiller

    Oh thank goodness...! In some of the other 50 "nerf the Striker" threads, my dismissive tone sometimes didn't come across as strongly as intended.:D
  15. Zotamedu

    and it's very entertaining when you pull it off.
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  16. Riku

    Hey man,
    while this thread is not only about striker changes I wish to add my 2 cents to yours:

    Correct, but consider that your line of sight as striker user can be broken for up to 3 seconds without the lock itself breaking. As it is right now you can keep shooting but the late fired missiles won't chase the target unless the lock gets re-established by the target losing cover (if it is behind cover, otherwise they'll chase).
    With the new mechanic the missiles will hit the obstacle though, as it should be, so I don't think this is a problem.

    I think that's incorrect. Yes they do increase travel speed and reduce travel time, but not that extreme. You're completely right that the missiles won't hit outside of their effective range, but that's for a different reason: you lose lock outside of that range and then they just become dumbfires. I think travel speed gets increased to increase chances of hitting a target within the effective range before it can get cover.

    But most of what you stated is correct sir, and we shall see how they implement it! :)
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  17. Chipay

    What? These changes aren't even on the PTR yet, how can you test them?
  18. Chipay

    I do hope that the time lock ons can be broken while maintaining lock will be decreased, because as you say, it would have little impact.

    Ah, i see, atleast i had the general idea right :cool:
    Very interesting to see them become a dumbfire at that range, do they do that already now?
  19. Jube

    Yes they are
  20. Camycamera

    they are fixing that bug as well, soooo....