Locking Silos

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Desann, Jun 11, 2018.

  1. Desann

    You can no longer lock players from using your silo outright. Instead, a “cortium reserve” of 20000 has been added, which will prevent players from accessing your silo only when that threshold is reached and your ownership settings are enabled.

    No, no, please NOOOOOO!

    There is nothing more annoying than some random same-faction **** coming in and building some BS when you are trying to do something. I prefer to base build with 1-2 friends and we like to do our own thing with our bases.

    I understand you all are trying to promote group gameplay, but please allow squad lock as soon as you place the silo. Other players will come in and pull items for cortium and waste resources. Please allow locking of silos as soon as they are built.

    Also, I hope the stair modifications on the walls still allow the walls to be tight enough to not allow infantry to pass through. A well designed base should be very difficult for infantry, especially infiltrators, to waltz right in and start blowing modules up. Please do not ruin the best part of this game, base building.

    Other than that, the new changes seem cool, especially the pain module and artillery cannon. Oh and orbital striking bases :D !!!! finally.
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  2. Diilicious

    im pretty sure this is exactly what is wrong with the base system, no involvement with the rest of the faction, just 2 guys building a sand castle in the middle of nowhere trying as hard as possible not to engage with the rest of the game. and then get salty when the rest of the faction that you shunned doesnt want to come and defend it.
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  3. ChiarosR

    I agree with him, honestly. This makes it way too easy for a newbie to show up and ruin an entire base's layout by plopping a random wall. Yes, modules now stack together and that helps with the issue. But it doesn't resolve it completely.

    What I'd suggest to keep the intended interactivity and group play, but solve this whole issue is allowing the owner of a silo to dismantle buildings within the silo's range with a deconstruction tool. The devs should be able to implement this without too many code changes, as you already have a check for performing an action within the silo's range.
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  4. Pacster3

    You noticed the 20k limit, right? Don't fill your silo above that limit and nobody can build with your cortium. 20k is quite a lot.

    You could already screw up a base by just building walls from your own ant. And seriously...everyone needs to start somehow. It's not like it's the end of the world. As long as they can't deplete your silo it's all fine...
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  5. chamks

    yes i love to build strategy bases. but i also wish it could be more involve with the empire, or at least not to be such paper base! especially when you defend it alone!
  6. Desann

    First of all, I am going to play this game the way I want to, period. If I want to log in, and jump up and down for 2 hours, that's my personal choice.

    Second, I like to build STRATEGIC bases that either support the Empire's assault or help to defend a lane of attack from the enemy. When I have a base design in mind, I don't want some BR1 jack-wit showing up and changing how HE THINKS I should build the base. I think of the big picture, where is the battle going in 1 hour as opposed to the 2 minute in your face fight.

    This is the fundamental problem with PS2 compared to PS1. You think that forcing me to change my playstyle will somehow fix this game. The correct approach is to create an incentive to do something, without forcing a player to do it or removing the choice.

    This game lacks an overall strategy. I have been saying this SINCE BETA when SOE (at the time) wanted opinions from veteran PS1 players. In Planetside 1, I used to build remote bases that promoted open world fighting using the spitfires and other deployables. That is fun to me.

    Planetside is planetside, not call of duty, battlefield, or any other popular shooter. Planetside 1 was unique and different and that is why we all loved it. Do not force a players hand for the sake of making him play with the faction. TBH half of the people on your same faction are complete morons that troll, grief, or act completely usless:

    Team killing
    Intentionally flipping aircraft/vehicles
    using a fury to fire at aircraft 700m away
    pulling base objects to deplete cortium as 4th faction <-- free to play fail (bring back subscriptions)

    So yes, keep the dim-wits from pulling objects from my silo, thanks.
  7. PlanetBound

    Can you stop them from unloading Cortium to your silo?
  8. Sergio Lima

    Surprise, now you cant even remove construct that other players place, even you been the silo owner.

    Yesterday someone place a Vehiclue terminal im may base and drained all my cortium and i couldnt remote the terminal.
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  9. Jac70

    I'm not opposed to the reserve system for silos but I would definitely welcome the ability for silo owners to deconstruct any asset within the influence of said silo. Last night I built a small FOB on Esamir. Troops started spawning there and spawning vehicles, then one random spawned and built an Orbital Strike Gen. This using my farmed Cortium, drained my Cortium whilst it charged and then sat their unfired for the next 2 hours. I couldn't build one of my own because you cannot build them within the influence of the same silo AFAIK. So my only option was to build an entire new base elsewhere.
  10. Pacster3

    But then they use their cortium. They could do so as well by just deploying their Ant. So there is no difference.

    The real problem that I see at this moment is that the 20k limit is abused by ego players to build lots and lots of silos just so they can spam vehicles. Every player has his own 3 building mini base(silo/spawntube/vehicle pad) and instead of working together this promotes an ego run for cortium vs your own faction mates. Building a big base with high cortium upkeep is darn hard under such circumstances.
  11. JibbaJabba

    With the reduced building costs you should be able to get your base fully built before taking things past the 20k threshold.

    After that other players coming along generally can't harm the base. Sure they can build stuff, but all the good stuff is already in place. Thy usually just add outter layers. Possibly not as well laid out as your inner layers, but still.
  12. Pacster3

    The upkeep is insane tho. Not sure if a 3 person base is still an option unless you got like 4 or 5 cortium spawns around.
  13. xMaxterx

    I completely agree and I just unsubbed until they allow me to relock my Silo. Just built a base and had some fella intentionally deploy random buildings everywhere just cause he wanted to troll me. Why developers thought this was a good idea is beyond me. Like, really?! lol... I'll resub when they fix this. Money talks and if they dont want mine then E3 just showed me MANY games that do.
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  14. sylvannas32

    locking vehicle pads dont work if its not ur pad
    n whats stopping them from popping down as OS at YOUR base n draining the cordium that way
  15. Clipped!

    I speak from experience (I have weeks of playtime as a cortium delivery boy) when I say that the amount of cortium, the rate at which it respawns, and how far away the deposits are at restricted base building to small to medium bases with one or two builders at most before the update, and anybody else was going to be put on cortium duty because too many architects and/or foremen on a project messes up construction. More ANT drivers did nothing to help because the supply was too small and slow as one miner could deplete the area's resources about 20-100% faster than it came back depending on how rich the area was.

    The relatively slow recovery of deposits and the speed at which bases used cortium (a medium sized base ate most of a full load by the time you got back with a second) meant that you had to place it close to a decent deposit while still being well position to the front line and the terrain. And now because more modules are need to cover the same space, more cortium is used, which easily results in cortium shortages. As for the 20k silo unlock, silos can only hold 50k, which typically took a good 30-75 minutes to fill depending on the size of the base and the surrounding resources. Two medium sized bases within 200-ish meters of each other could exist, but it would be a struggle to keep them both up unless you had 2-3 people driving across 3-6 territories each direction or had a motherload nearby.

    As for durability, bases are rather frustrating to defend by yourself if don't have both everything defense construction and are in a excellent spot to do so as even one person in a vehicle with an anti-vehicle weapon (even a cloak flash) can destroy your base because they can and will find angles to destroy something past your walls as well as out-range your turrets AI range. The only time you'll have a decent chance is if you have equal population, someone else goes after them in a vehicle while you keep the base alive, and you have a way to respawn a the base that is protected because they WILL keep coming back in armor and all it takes is for you to die once without a way to spawn at it.
  16. Desann

    Exactly. I knew this would be an issue as soon as I read the update. Everyone needs to call for re-enabling silo locking. I usually lock mine to SQUAD ONLY so the people I am communicating with can help me while removing other people from pulling random objects from my silo.
  17. DobryiPupok

    Wall cost before update - 1200 . . . .Wall cost now - 1200
    Vehicle gates cost before update - 1250 . . . . Vehicle gates cost now - 1250
    AP turret cost before update - 1200 . . . . AP turret cost now - 1200
    Modules cost before update - 3000, 1500, 1000. . . . . Modules cost now - 3000, 1500, 1000
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  18. Desann

    Exactly, and anyone can pull expensive stuff from your silo if you dare to stock past 20k
  19. Luicanus

    You'd be surprised. I expressly avoid building walls in my bases because they mostly serve as cover that enemy infantry can use to pick off my modules. I prefer clean lines of fire.
    Meanwhile, some newbie can plant crap down wherever they please and nullify my carefully placed towers and their fields of fire.

    I'm quite willing to instruct newbies in base building but I'd rather that this was done via inviting them to the squad rather than have them run around on their own in the base I'm building.
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  20. Sgt Mcguilicuddy

    Are you in an outfit? You and I think a lot alike. I would love to sit with you and discuss your ideas.