Locked POV third person vehicle Flash

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. wrenched


    Why is the view locked on the flash? i.e. you can't turn around to view behind you like other vehicle.

    Is it like this on the tanks?

    The flash handles pretty poorly no need to further **** it by not letting you see more FOV than straight ahead.
  2. PieBringer

    Not sure about Sunderers, but I'm fairly certain that the Lightning, Vanguard, and Prowler can rotate their third person view just as much as their main gun. However, with the Magrider, only the gunner can use the whole 360 view with third person, as the main gun (and the pilot) can not turn their view and/or aim without turning the entire vehicle.

    So, the short answer to your question: Any tank with a turret doesn't suffer from the same limited horizontal view. (or weapon pivot, for that matter.)
  3. starlinvf

    Which is why 3rd person view is conceptually broken for this, and a lot of other games. FOV is an issue in first person view, but a lot of developers seem unwilling to address the problem rather then toss in 3rd person view to appease the masses.

    Any time I've seen anyone state "if your not using XX view, your just putting yourself at a huge disadvantage", thats an automatic red flag that something is wrong at the design level. The harrasser and sunderer are prime examples as navigating the terrain is nigh impossible when you can't see whats in front of you. Everyone I know goes into 3rd person and rotates off to the side slightly so they can look down more.

    The FOV in aircraft is also suspiciously narrow, and the overall difficulty with freelook exacerbates the problem. More free look arc would definitely help with ground vehicles, but the cab design for all vehicles need some overhauling, and the camera being slightly higher to let you see over the dashboard.
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