Locked Planets and Poplock - Basically I am unable to play the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OpolE, Oct 5, 2019.

  1. TRspy007

    Queues are a "recent" addition. The game was in a much better state back when there were queues if I can remember.

    Fights are still unbalanced, sure you can leave, but to go where? There's usually only one or 2 fights, if you're gonna leave at the slightest overpop, you're just gonna spend time doing nothing. Just because a faction is underpopped doesn't mean it can't win. Most of the time the two popped factions have a huge fight, while the third one, since there's not enough pop on the other factions to host multiple fights on their fronts (due to the queue restrictions). The third faction just gets to ghost cap the whole continent, since the other 2 factions are too busy having fun to give the slightest **** anyways. Not very fun if you ask me.

    I play the game for it's huge fights. If the balance queue is going to kill the potential for fights, I don't want it! It's more fun getting zerged than it is being ignored for the whole alert.

    The game worked fine if not better without queues, trust me, I've experienced it, and you too probably lol. The queues are just a placebo and don't actually do anything to solve the problem. If anything, they restrict people who want to create balanced fights.
  2. TRspy007

    Right now we have no opponents to fight loool. The continents empty 99% of the time, save a fight occurring between 2 factions. In short, there's usually a faction being left out. That's what happens when you decide to balance. Its a 1v1v1, not a 1v1. If it was as simple to balance as that, you wouldn't be getting zerged or ghost capped for most the game.

    Then again, by your grammar I can't expect you to have the neural development at high enough levels to understand the issue.
  3. TR5L4Y3R

    oh cool ad hominems .. you can go speak to the wall now ..
  4. JibbaJabba

    From my memory things were not so good. Such coding wasn't cheap and SOE surely would rather have been working on other things. They put it in for a reason. It wasn't really a recent edition either. That was pretty early I think.

    What is recent though is the population being low enough that a second continent doesn't unlock.

    Think that's it maybe?
  5. pnkdth

    While playing all factions might be an option it will also break up outfits and the social aspect of MMOs should never be underestimated, i.e. when put in a social structure like an outfit you are much more likely engage in a scenario you do not find particularly fun by itself but the joy of working with others + delayed gratification rather than acting like a skinner-box conditioned cert farmer. That said, this game does a really fine job in forcing players in to that skinner box.

    That and playing three characters, while keeping them certed, is a massive cert farm which I imagine would cause the very same players who were given such advice to quit for good/burn out completely. I mean, it is fine for me since I've been around since bloody 2012 but someone new or new-ish... Oof. To those players I quite imagine them hearing us say "why don't you play this game from scratch trice times over?!"
  6. JibbaJabba

    We're way overdue for a massive increase in certs.

    Given the age of the game it's silly that there is still such a grind to unlock the extra content. Spinning up a alt should NOT be such a chore.
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