[BUG] Lockdown & Anchor

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haquim, Sep 5, 2015.

  1. Haquim

    Alright I have not done extensive testing on this, but BOTH TR abilities have a very hard bug.
    Both the MAX and the Prowler can be locked down with their abilities - permanently.

    With the Prowler it seems likely that it can happen if you press the ability button several times to undeploy.
    It seems that makes the Prowler try to deploy while undeploying - leading to neither process finishing, so you're stuck. It permanently shows the status message "deploying" too.
    It happened on the vehicle ramp in an AMP station so that might be a possible cause too.

    Lockdown (the MAX ability) has exactly the same issue..
    Instead of of permanently showing a status message "deploying" it simply does nothing, and I also don't think I've pressed the button more than once. I've also not been in any special area that when it happened.

    Either way, both bugs pretty much break the ability. Not being able to move is a pretty big disadvantage, being locked in place permanently and thus being guaranteed to lose 450 nanites whatever happens is simply infuriating.
  2. CMDante

    That does sound pretty bad, just report it to DB and hope for the best.

    I'm hoping they fix the delay between stopping and actually being able to lock-down.
  3. Pfundi

    Than that should happen with the sunderer as well. Did you test that?
    And that leads me to a question, was the NC MAX Shield reload bug thing fixed?
  4. Haquim

    Yes that "feature" that you need to stand still for up to 5 seconds before you can deploy is freaking annoying.
    One more reason why I like the NC ability better - you press the button and it works.
    Also my tank tank STILL moves the crosshair when I'm not even touching the mouse. That makes sniping over great distances a chore..

    And I just registered at their bug tracker and created a ticket.

    This thread is actually meant both for DGB and as a warning for fellow TR who read the forums.
    I just didn't want to use the PSA tag, don't want to get screamed down by people who think I'm using it wrong ;)
  5. CMDante

    Fair enough, though I don't see who could object to using PSA to point out a game-breaking bug
  6. Haquim

    It does not happen everytime.

    Well ok, with my MAX it has occured 1 out of 1 possible times, with my tank it happened the third time.
    I don't have the time to test it right now (also I'd prefer fighting....)
    But with my very limited data right now it happens 100% for MAX and 33% for tank, so it can't be very rare.
    Except of course if I simply am very very unlucky.
  7. Pfundi

    Well, maybe ill be going to test it later today
  8. Tycoh

    It sounds like they buffed TR even harder than usual. Do they glow red now too?
    • Up x 1
  9. TheRunDown

    I get it 100% of the time with MAX and Prowler.
    Worse thing is, once you try to exit Anchor mode, you lose the RoF and projectile speed.. Making you a Static MAX or Tank with normal stats..
  10. Cyrek

    It's not just Prowler and Maxes getting stuck, my Sunderer wouldn't respond to my undeploy command so I had to leave the worthless brick there.
  11. BoatsFriends

    My sunderers have also gotten stuck "deploying" unable to undeploy or move. I also experienced a situation where it was deployed but not showing on my screen, however I was still able to change classes and such as if it were deployed. Undeploying and redeploying fixed the graphic error.
  12. \m/SLAYER\m/

    same with Sunderer