[Suggestion] Lockable Elysium Spawn Tube

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Purp, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. Purp

    Please allow us to lock the Elysium Spawn Tube to either Locked/ Squad/ Platoon/ Empire.

    I have sooo many 4th faction people use my elysium spawn tube to scout my hive and then take out (teamkill) the really well placed modules. If I can lock it to squad at least they have to drive out to my base...
    • Up x 3
  2. Lamat


    To expand on this idea, I've previously suggested allowing players to create a "blocked" list of other players, these players could not spawn in your sunderer or Elysium tube, or access your vehicles, turrets, silo or other constructions.
  3. LordKrelas

    Block Lists enable Witch Hunts from hell.
    Someone popular doesn't like you, or spouts garbage, nearly everything on the field becomes unusable for entire outfits.

    Yes to the Lockable tubes.
    Hell no, to the problematic witch-hunt Block lists.
  4. Lamat

    Lockable tubes are not the answer, i want helpful random people to still participate, i just want to block griefers.

    Even if the block list has an expiry of 24 hours to help prevent your feared scenario.
  5. LordKrelas

    Well, anyone who isn't a random being locked from 90% of the battlefield is counter-productive.

    As anyone wanting to grief, won't be on your list.
    If they were, a new account won't be.
    That's the problem with Griefers, anyone trying it that isn't in reflex, likely bypasses everything you can do.

    And they'd update the Server wide block lists every 24 hours...
    Which doesn't prevent the issue at all.
  6. Lamat

    It gives me peace of mind for that gaming session at least, that's all I'm asking for, I don't want to block any help from my whole faction. Also, I often make friends or recruit from the randoms. The griefers can go ahead and ceate a new character and go through the tutorial again and I'll just block him too.
  7. LordKrelas

    That's what it would be used for.
    Someone gets triggered by a medic not sacrificing themselves, and everyone of that outfit gets blocked.
    Rumors float, and suddenly everyone is going on a witch hunt for whom is a real griefer.
    Or whom is a 4th factioneer, accusations everywhere.

    The entire goal is to disrupt you.
    They don't mind the endless stream of new accounts.
    Hell, they could just do 'nothing', but relog onto an enemy side with a Liberator.
  8. Lamat

    On your first point, my suggestion of a 24 hour expiry would mean every member of an outfit would have to re-add people to the list everyday. If they hate you enough to do that, you probably deserve it.

    On your second point, blocking can go by accounts to cover extra characters, and can use hardware IDs and IP address which the game already tracks for banning purposes. There may be a few crafty players who can spoof that, but not many.
  9. LordKrelas

    Which would be done, due to accusations, and just make it nasty.
    A medic doesn't revive you in the middle of HE Spam, for an entire day they can be black-listed by half the population if the accusations sound grave or the guy is liked enough to be followed.
    This is how someone can hate your guts, and say ******** about you - It's that simple.
    Would anyone ask the details? If they did, how gee lets exaggerate.

    I'd hate for some jack-*** to switch sides, and slander me, locking me out of the Sunderer my allies are using to assault a base.

    You do know, how much work you just said, to make a Black-list work, that literally is ignored by numerous methods far easier & more available to people, than it is to stop right?
    Like, Thats a **** load, for a black-list that easily becomes a witch-hunt from hell on a daily basis.
  10. LtBomber1

    No to locking down spawns.
    I agree that it might be problematic, like spawning at a stealth sunderer, that was meant to stay hidden. But i doubt that this will fix your main intention. Griefers will have most likely come in contact with your base on opposite empire, and then relog. Using your spawntube is just one way of gettinng to your base, a valk etc. will also work.
    Also, i highly doubt that this is a major tactic for a lot of people. This scouting can be also done by a stalker inf on a wraith flash, with no way of blocking him.

    I sometimes use spawn tubes as redeploy point, to help defending the base, to repair abandond bases or to get a turret from the silo.