[Suggestion] Lock Two Continents.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by nubery, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. nubery

    So this is how the game boils down now.

    NC are on Hossin at 50% pop.
    TR are on Indar at 53% pop.
    VS are on Amerish at 70% pop.

    Factions aren't fighting eachother. This is a problem. Something needs doing.
  2. Foxirus

    You can already lock two continents...
  3. Plunutsud pls

    The last I heard, you can only lock 1 on Emerald.

    Not sure about Connery, but it's definitely 2 on all the others.
  4. Foxirus

    Welp, You heard wrong. You can lock two. When you lock the third continent the oldest locked is unlocked.
  5. Plunutsud pls

    But hold on, first they made it only 1 for a weekend, then it went back to 2, then Higby apparently said on Reddit that they're taking it back to 1.

    At least that's what I read on here.
  6. DHT#

    You basically have to have 3 on Emerald, otherwise 2 continents are totally locked and a bunch of people can't play the game.
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  7. Plunutsud pls

    Exactly, there's like 2500 people on during prime time.
  8. DorianOmega

    How about we get continental latticing and battle islands before any more stupid changes to the stupid continent locking that is incomplete with the continental latticing as it is...
  9. Foxirus

    Actually you are right, I checked today during an alert, they did switch it to only one locked at a time, My mistake.
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