[BUG] Lock on rockets are exploding on targets but doing no damage

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Derpina, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Derpina

    We can now lock onto vehicles at longer ranges, but the rockets are exploding when they get to the vehicle, but not damaging the vehicle. I had friend switch to infiltrator and scope in to see where the rocket hits. He confirmed that it wasn't hitting the ground, but exploding at or near the vehicle model. No damage is done to the vehicle. There's now an army of prowlers on the hill between the crown and the crossroads shelling the crown because they take no damage from rockets.

  2. Wargrim

    Seems to be back at where it was in beta: The lockon range is significantly higher than the range where it will do damage.

    In beta it was 500m lockon range 300m damage range, 305m would see no damage even when it hit. I do not know the current ranges.
  3. RavenGenesis

    is it me or does it feel like nothing on the lockon weapons seems to be working as intended?
    • Up x 1
  4. Scorponok

    the do as i do...stick to the default rocket launcher...it doesnt fail when it hits :p
  5. Garmerr

    I've had the Shrike fail to do damage several times. It's not nearly as often as with the Crow, but it does happen.

    Edit : For completion's sake, before anyone says the target was too far, it was within spitting distance of the target.
  6. x13eastmodex

    I can atest that the underbarreled grenades have this problem FREQUENTlY(20% or so). Even directshots will not damage the target but for a small sliver of damage from the projectile itself. Ran into a spawn the moment the base flipped and shot the ground and ... nothing happened with 3 reds within 2 feet of me. Not even self damage but ofcourse I died 2s later to them. It seems alot more of my deaths caused by this and ammo pack restock breaking then anything else really.
  7. J3st3rUK

  8. Esxraptor

    Yup.... the last patch/update has broken the mechanics for lock on weapons

    Noticed the really funny long legged running as well anyone?
  9. DeadlyShoe

    It's definitely that lockon range is longer than missile range. I was in a similar situation on Helios, but we were able to shoot Magrider Hill from one of the rocky promontories on the hill and land hits.
  10. yenchy

    The same bug apply for the Anti air rocket launcher (at least on the Nemesis for Vanu) it render the weapon mostly useless (on 5 hits only 2 are registered as "hit" and im not counting the usual "rocket miss" dont know if this one is intended or if it's another bug) better switch to AA max (even with only one burster) as it's way more efficient to make a valid AA def.
  11. Baldrick-18

    Just spent an hour firing Nemesis lock on rocket launcher at TR aircraft and not one hit. When a 1000 cert weapon is totally negated by a 50 cert flare something is wrong. Flares should have a chance to evade the missile not a 100% chance. Even if you do hit a aircraft it takes several to take a light one down. I didn't deter any of the aircraft attacking the base in the slightest.
  12. Scorponok

    isnt flares 100certs? but anyway it has a 40sec CD..so dont expect it to be nerfed.
  13. crackajaxx

    I noticed while flying in the mosquito with lock on missiles, that the missiles can only travel a certain distance before self detonating. The same thing might be happening here, that does seem to be a rather long distance.
  14. J3st3rUK

    It seems they have altered the range of the missiles but not the lock on distance. Also you can still fire without lock on (so much for Game Update 1). Even though the drop off of the missiles without lock on is massive. This goes for Anti Tank and Anti Air.
  15. Testacularity

    Confirmed this. HA AA is non-functional. Man, so glad I paid real money for that thing....

    I see it hit. No red X. Enemy aircraft still has full HP. This needs to be addressed.
  16. Foreman Joe

    Indeed, I was shooting planes with my Grounder today and I saw the rocket hit (although it goes so slow that it's alone is nothing short of a miracle), saw the explosion, but no damage markers. Was wondering if it's a bug or just me, but now I'm sure it's a bug.
  17. TrueGent

    What happened (I think) is that the increased drop-off for dumb-fire missiles affected the locked on versions as well: the animation is still playing like normal, but the missile is actually detonating below the aircraft, away from the aircraft's hit detection.
  18. Foreman Joe

    Nothing like that. What happened is a ******* bug!! It's even more annoying than TX2 Emperor bug (pistol was doing no damage, been fixed). I just tested it again, shoot all my rockets on hanging low hostile liberator, he was standing still, low, took em all into his belly - NO DAMAGE AT ALL, he's still at full hp and I'm out of ammo.
  19. zeep

    +1 signed. It's horrible working atm :(
  20. Krave

    jep my hit rate with the hawk dropped from 36% to 21%... so its current hit rate is between 10-15% due to the different ways of shaking it of. it was quite creepy before the patch and its complete usless now.
    what needs to be done is:
    fix the no dmg bug
    increse the speed and manoeuvrability tremendously aswell as the range the rocket can fly.