Local base scoreboard bug

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Blaargh2K3, May 15, 2020.

  1. Blaargh2K3

    As the outfit's material / war asset handler i often calculate if my outfit will get the base we are attacking.
    Yesterday i found something really weird.
    We (MAP on Miller, VS) were capping a base and together well in first spot but the base went to an outfit not in the list.
    As a small outfit getting bases is hard already but if things like this happen we are more then a little disappointed.
    Added is a screenshot of the total point score along with the outfit name that supposedly claimed it.
    If my math is wrong i do apologise but before sharing it here i did post it in our discord where people said it was a known bug.
    One that imo should be fixed asap if it is indeed a bug.
    As you can see in the picture the lowest on the board have 0 points so this is not a case of missing peoples points because they are lower then the 15th spot.[IMG]
    It isn;t showing the actual image so here is a direct link.
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