List the craziest Newly Increased prices of weapons here

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DorianOmega, May 19, 2015.

  1. DorianOmega

    List the Cert/DBC price changes here of the weapons here you feel are total BS!

    Just read that the AA launchers went up from 250 certs to 650 certs... That is straight BS.

    Cant access the game to check because I'm on the road but getting prices listed here to put it all in context would be nice.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    Consider that new players get 100 certs per BR up to BR15.

    Thats 1,500 certs.
  3. DorianOmega

    Yes but over a 1/3d of that going to what is a pretty vital unlock seems over the top, I could see this going up to maybe 350, heck even 500 would be ok on the latter end of pricing of in my book, but an over 150% price increase is just over the top.

    Reading weapons like the TMG-50 for TR going up to 1000 certs is also pretty friggen' ludicrous.

    With prices like these the game looks blatantly P2W which is a major design sin for a competitive F2P model and will drive players away and thus lose revenues for DB, when they removed Free account passive cert gain that was bad enough but this is just atrocious.
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  4. Psykmoe

    Falcon/Pounder/Comet second arm went from 250 to 1000. Mutilators/Cosmos/Grinder (the cheapest way to get a second MAX AI gun) went up to 650 from 250.

    So if you want to break into playing MAX with paired guns it's 1400 certs more expensive than before if you want to be able to switch between AI and AV as the situation demands.

    Canister-H/Marauder-H/PPA-H went up from 250 to 650, so if you want to have a harasser to farm infantry with, 400 more certs than before. The same guns on the MBT went up from 250 to 875.

    Getting some Bulldogs on a Sunderer or Galaxy is also now 550 per gun, from 250.

    Of course regular infantry guns got more expensive too but they're not as important for a new player to access the whole game fully.

    Basically, if you want to do anything new instead of basic infantry gameplay, the barrier of entry is higher for everything. This change is ONLY positive for people who buy all their guns with SC or for people who buy NO guns and ONLY other upgrades.
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  5. orangejedi829

    Burst fire variants are all more expensive now, even though they were useless beforehand. Lol.
    If burst weapon prices weren't reduced, I'm genuinely curious as to which ones DBG supposedly reduced the price of? I'm thinking it's along the lines of 'none'.
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  6. Psykmoe

    Some vehicle weapons that previously cost 1000 certs now cost around 850. No infantry equipment that I am aware of was reduced in cost.
  7. Sebbay

    Is there any way we can tell SoE that their descision was awfull? I mean, is there any sort of way we can get the message to them that this is driving away new players?
    Personnally i have been playing for around 200 hours, yet i only have around 3 guns for each class (starter gun+shotgun+cheap alternative (i.e. XM98)), and with this increase i feel like i will never get enough certs to fully spec out my characters AND get the guns i want! I know its free to play, but having to play so much for a single gun, just seems like too much of a hassle :(
  8. CorporationUSA

    AA launchers are a vital unlock? Not even close. The only "vital" things to spend certs on are vehicle and suit upgrades, as well as support tools.

    Weapons are not vital to unlock in most cases. Aside from bolt-action snipers(not including NC), SMGs, and an extra MAX weapon, you can do just fine with the default class weapons. And let's not forget that everyone does get a free gun from taking the survey when they make a new character.

    If you wanna call P2W on something, call it on implants. New players don't stand any chance of keeping a constant level 3 implant if they don't spend certs or cash. And since their certs need to go into suit, support, and vehicle upgrades, they are basically left to be farmed by the BR100s who carry a surplus of certs(not that implants would stop them from being farmed, but it would at least level the playing field).
  9. pnkdth

    Even with these prices the F2P model PS2 has isn't very harsh compared to other games. Not to mention, weapons are sidegrades. You can stay competitive in this game without paying a cent, using the default infantry weapons, spending certs on vehicles and MAX weapons.

    I mean, if you are playing this kind of game for *free* your currency is time played. If there is little to no time investment in order to get properly geared then how on earth will DBG make any money? Seriously, P2W used to mean buying a direct advantage... These days it seems to mean, "I deserve everything for free, and if I have to put any effort into this game then it is P2W!"
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  10. FateJH

    I write this post so much I'm just going to quote myself for brevity.
    Here's the same information, just with more numbers, and underlined and bold text:
    tl;dr - Prices increased, but you're getting a much better deal than before as a new player. Any "veteran" worth his snuff will already be able to earn enough certs to make up the difference, at the same time.
  11. ronjahn

    No idea. I bought all the weapons on NC before the price changes.
  12. Mythologicus

    300% INCREASE


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  13. AlterEgo

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  14. FieldMarshall

    1. You get 1500 free certs from BR1-15.
    2. People gain more certs now than when the game was released. Ribbons, alerts, more ways to get certs etc.
    3. Weapons bought with certs are not necessarily upgrades. In fact the default weapons are some of the best.
    4. Some vehicle cert costs were reduced.

    Overall, people are getting a better deal now than 2 years ago.
    I assume they were tweaking certs before it got out of hand. Some sacrifices has to be expected.
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  15. Towie

    True enough - although upgrading the vehicle weapons has to be a priority. I'm not exactly sure what the sidegrade of the Basilisk is. Maybe - no weapon at all; it's almost as effective...
  16. Whatupwidat

    I got nearly 400 certs in just 2.5 hours yesterday, and I'm dog-turd at this game.

    It's basically deflation - certs are easier to get, weapons go up in price. Seems logical to me, if a bit dumb given it's basically poking the "THATS NOT FAIR!" bear.

    Do you know how long it'd take someone to get to BR12?

    My boyfriend made it to BR16 in 3 days of just drifter jetting around with a knife and shotgun for laughs.

    It's NOT. THAT. HARD.
  17. eldarfalcongravtank

    whoa, are people still wound up about this?

    the devs increased the new-player cert income significantly by introducing battlerank-bound cert rewards. it is only logical that they are going to adjust the prices at the same time to not devaluate the items.

    lets do a simple calculation, shall we? let's assume an average player makes 300 certs until reaching BR15 by simply playing the game:

    1) before BR-cert rewards were introduced and cert prices for items were increased:
    300 certs could buy the AA-lock-on launcher (250 certs)

    2) after BR-cert rewards were introduced and cert prices for items were increased:
    300 certs (by playing) + 1500 certs (BR-bound) = 1800 certs
    1800 certs can easily buy the AA-lock-on launcher (625 certs) twice!

    and this can be applied to many other weapons/items that became "more expensive" now. because you need to look at REAL prices (what is my cert income able to purchase considering the price level?) and not just NOMINAL prices (which value has my cert income, irrespective of price level). new players should be able to purchase much more stuff now with BR-bound cert rewards.

    sometimes, it appears to me people dont think their complaints through when posting them. note that i am not defending DGC's decision here, just making sure people see the whole picture.
  18. FateJH

    If we're going to play the boasting game, I made it to BR13 the first evening after making an NC alt. character with only a short play-session. That's neither here nor there, though.

    That's the joke.jpg.

    It wasn't hard before and it's still not as hard as people claim. People are quibbling over hours and maybe two or three sessions for veteran players, and the benefit for completely green players is hard to argue. Players in the middle might be hit a little, but this is the point where they would need to learn how to balance cert gain and contribution anyway.
  19. axiom537

    None of these prices are P2W, that is a ridicules claim. Starter weapons are just as good as most if not all weapons you can purchase and do not put any player at a disadvantage, but only make them less flexible, until they progress asa character and can unlock new items. 1000 certs, even if you earn only 100 certs a day is only 10 days worth of playing, that's NOTHING, in terms of time investment.

    I for one am glad they are raising the cert cost of weapons. They where way to low to begin with and made it way to easy to unlock everything in this game. If we want this game to succeed then we need to make it take more time to earn weapons, which will make spending money on a subscription much more attractive, as it will reduce that time investment.

    Your issue is you want everything and you do not want to have to pay for it or support the game. I mean seriously your complaining about a free to play players not getting passive cert gain. Give me a break! Subscription is $10 / month, it is dirt cheap, it gives you many tangible benefits, yet not making the game P2W in the least bit. If you do not have $10 a month to spend on this game, then you shouldn't be spending the electricity to run your computer to play it to begin with and you should focus on other things that will improve your finances until you can afford such a nominal amount, on something that gives you hours and hours of enjoyment.

    AMEN! You hit the nail on the head...
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  20. Taemien

    Sub up, earn double certs, get free DBC.

    Buy everything you want.