Link/merge servers / let us change often (EU servers)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by steverowland, Dec 1, 2012.

  1. steverowland

    Sometimes I can play at 8pm and I can have great fun and battles all the time, but there are times when I can play at 5am and the game might as well not be running like this. Currently on 2 continents we have only warpgate and on the last one we have few bases around, because nobody from our faction is online, if some outfit wants to conquer all continents, they might as well plan to play at this time. I was in squad few moments ago and it was only about going from point to point capturing bases, no fight at all, no wonder nobody cares for that, I just quit after 3 bases captured.
    In other games when it comes to this (such as battlefield) I just hop on US east coast server, the latency is fine, why can't I change server at least once a day here?
    Don't you want players to enjoy your the game whatever time it is?
    (yes I can start new soldier there but with no certs and no SC unlocks either).

    The reason why MMORPGs have limited server transfer is to prevent the currency from being traded across all the servers, there is no reason to limit that in fps game, fps should be about instant action whenever I want to have instant action :(

    The other option might be "linking" 1 EU server and 1 US east server (and maybe AUS and US west?), not merging, just linking and people would have character on both servers at the same time. That way whether it is 5am in europe or 5am in US, there should be some action on at least one of them.

    Or at least merge some EU servers after 2am or something.

    But again, easiest way would be to let people just have global character (limited to 1 for each faction) and when launching the game, let people choose what server to connect to... I don't understand these split server limitations at all.

    (and if you are worried that one faction would just storm one server - first of all that is not fun, why would people do that?... And you can just limit how many of the faction can be connected at the same time, if it is above 45% then make a queue for that server or something, I would gladly went to some other one even if we are outnumbered, just because there will be giant battles, now I am glad I see 20 people on one base.)
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  2. Topdog

    you are not the only one experiencing these balance issues, let's hope they can figure something out for us.
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  3. Kassidus

    No you shouldnt have free easy server transfers because it would be abused to farm xp, oh too hard here, ill go here and cap empty
  4. steverowland

    implying you can't do that already. I want the exact opposite, at 5am I already can just go to the base, cap it and afk in there for 5 minutes and go to other, some single enemy will come behind and cap it back as I am capping different and this can go on and on since there is like maybe 20 active people on that continent at that time - IT IS NOT FUN. And hell if someone wants to swap server just to not have fun, then let them, the cert gain from capturing empty bases is slow anyway, even with zerg as long as you are not killing anything, you get maybe 5000xp/h, at good fights in afternoon/evening I can easily get 12-16k as defender, at 5am there is nothing to defend because there are 3 attackers in total. Just please let me swap to US east at least once a week, I switch daily schedules on weekly basis, I want to be able to play big battles every week, not only those when I am on at 8pm.
  5. Hibbe

    You read the threat upside down apparently.

    During the "low" hours, there is not enough players.
    The OP suggested the temporary merge of several servers to bring more people together at these times.

    Similarities can be found in for example world of warcraft's newer feature "cross realm zones"
  6. Khlorghaal

    Made a forum account just to post my approval of this.

    Also another reason to do this is - what if you make a new friend and they play on a different server? You've both spent 20$ on content and are BR20; you're not going to make a new character except to maybe get in on big ops that they're doing.
  7. DumarDomar

    Genudine lacks people too. We need server merges.
    For the honor of our ancestors and for the people Dumar out.
    (Lets see if someone get the book of the reference I made)
  8. QuantumMechanic

    Something like this would be excellent. GuildWars2 has a "guesting" system where you can choose to play on a different server every X number of hours. Being that Planetside 2 REQUIRES large numbers of players, because as well all know SIZE.DOES.MATTER, I'm surprised that SOE didn't think out and execute a system similiar to that.
  9. Arcanum

    Let us have global characters, SOE.