[Suggestion] Link Astira to Pommel Gardens

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuricStarSand, Feb 13, 2024.

  1. AuricStarSand

    I haven't fought at Pommel Gardens for many months.

    Vehicles won't drive past mid field from the mid lake seapost, to overtake the enemy silo A point owners. From mid field to Pommel Gardens. Hasn't happened for 8+ months.

    So the lane is blocked from the enemy silo field. Thus without the Astira link, their is no Pommel Gardens fights ever. Till maybe the last 10 minutes of the alert, yet never before. And never a 3 empire fight there, which a boulder maze base outranks a empty field with a tiny sunderer garage region.

    Either way. I'd rather have people from Astira taking the mid field offline to have fights at Pommel Garden more often, then not at all. Plus they'd fight at Astira more often too & that base is super ignored as well.

    Why does Oshur have to have one region for a 96vs96vs96. Why not 30vs30vs30 + at Astira. & 30vs30vs30 + at Pommel Gardens sometimes too ?
  2. ganthercage

    Nice suggestion