Limited time guns

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Singulari7y, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Singulari7y

    So i got on ps2 last night and everyone's got this new fireworks gun and i cant get one.I love flashy guns in ps2 the lighting on the game is so good.I put a lot of time and money into this game and just because i didn't play last weekend i miss out on this new weapon.I really don't like the idea of limited time guns and i cant see any reason for doing it if they sold the gun again SOE makes more money and they keep the customers happy.

    I'm certain that it'll be available again sooner or later. Around new years day at the latest.
  3. Stormlight666

    You didn't miss anything. That gun takes AWAY from the tactical game SOE says they want and totally shows it's really $$$ that they want NOT a good game.
  4. Jezs

    1 less annoying ****** running around with fireworks
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  5. Tow2Bravo

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  6. ent|ty

    I trialed the flare gun, spammed it for 15 mins, went 'meh' and was done with it.

    Glad I didnt pay a red cent for it.
    OP, dont forget to trial it. More than likely 15 mins using it willl be more than enough.
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  7. Bolticus

    That's all I'm hearing.

    Without firework guns, events like these wouldn't be nearly as fun.
    Although it could use a small sound adjustment. :p

    So let me ask you something, did all the zebra camos, rainbow decals, and skull masks already not ruin the immersion for you?
    The fireworks that people launch for fun ruins your immersion more than a tank rolling around the desert looking like a zebra?

    This game had nearly no immersion to begin with.
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  8. Goretzu


    I can't see them not selling them again.
  9. starlinvf

    Soooo.... your saying a novelty item, with no tactical value, is not useful in a fight? After months of constant balance arguments, frustration with weapons, and no major variety in game play, your telling me that an item, that exists solely for ****** and giggles* mind you, is somehow part of this carefully neglectful plan to make a crappy game and steal people's money? Have you seen Zynga games?

    Aside from revealing which players have sub-par video cards (lol-particle-effects), this had no significant impact on game flow. A wonderful step away from the typical A. Standing around doing nothing in the biolab, B. Standing around the Cap point in a Tech plant, C. Standing around the V-bay of the Amp station, D. camping the spawn room of small territory.
  10. Gary

    Love the Flare gun... gives me something to spend 1000 of the many certs i have saved...
  11. KenDelta

    You see , spent 7bucks and regretted nothing , till tomorrow I'll be spamming it with knife-flare combo , or even just for kicks when I'm ghostcapping with a +48zerg in one hex.
  12. The King

    It's great when you owned some tank 1v1.. You can come out of it and launch some fireworks and tbag the tank area..
    It makes the people who died angry.....Later, you'll see em posting on the forums about how annoying they are. lol
  13. Stormlight666

    Yeah it gives away the position of your sunderer quite well and lets the enemy know where you are. It also deafens nearby players who can't hear that LA flying or Infiltrator cloak humming.
  14. Stormlight666

    No I hate having the position of my AMS sundy given away by it.
  15. Stormlight666

    As you said - it's a TOY for LITTLE KIDS.
  16. Colvault

    You sir, have anger issues. Its just a novelty. if you don't like it then just don't use it. No harm done. If people want to be stupid, let them be, it is their experience and you have no control over what they can and cannot do. Sit on that for a moment and get back to be with your soon to be furious rebuttal. ;)
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  17. Stormlight666

    No I have issues with the kids that use them and give away AMS Sundy positions in the field.
  18. FateJH

    If it's any consolation, I don't need their help to find and kamikaze your badly placed S-AMS.
  19. Obscura

    Give the ability to turn them off lol, that simple. I'm sure SOE could implement something that made the fireworks appear and sound as nothing for people who don't wish for that **** to be in their faces during their time(which sometimes they dont have much of) playing this game. Though that would probably piss of the trolls who love spamming these things constantly
  20. Rogueghost

    Unless you have stealth it shows up on everyone's mini map flares or not.
    And even if you do have stealth it doesn't take a genius to follow the ant trail to its spawn point.