Lightning Utility

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by icor1031, Jan 21, 2014.

  1. icor1031

    I'm an infantry hunter.

    Fire Suppression or IR Smoke?

    Which one, and why?
  2. Hatesphere

    Personally I run IR smoke + nano repair. the IR smoke will help you get out of range of any lock-ons you might encounter.
  3. Tinuva

    I run IR Smoke, it is just so versatile, you can also pop it just for the smoke screen benefit.

  4. Axehilt

    IR Smoke's going to be a bit more useful, but it's pretty close since I don't necessarily always incur locks, but I always incur damage (but since Fire Suppression doesn't really repair all that much, IR Smoke ends up being a little more useful.)

    And honestly frontal armor is better than autorepair even though autorepair is super popular with lazy players (and it's not terrible, it's just not as awesome as being able to survive one extra rocket, or potentially many extra rockets if you repair back up.)
  5. faykid

    IR smoke will help to avoid more damage than FS can heal. It is too weak to save you from other tanks. At the same time maxed out IR smoke will help you shell infantry and fart smoke every 15 seconds, denying all lock-on users their free XP. It is the best option, really.
  6. drNovikov

    I use stealth + fire extinguisher + racer for my Skyguard. Helps me stay hidden and run away if caught.
  7. icor1031

  8. ZeroErrorz

    fire suppresion+auto repair= self reliant vehicle dont need engy to life with, but engy do increase it life span by 40/50% last time i checked
  9. icor1031


  10. ZeroErrorz

    i mean it actualy can be pulled without relying on engy as much, but still most of the time you died because of the fire that you couldnt pu out when fire suppresion is on cooldown, and thats what im saying about that 40/50%
  11. Spuno

    I use fire suppression because it kick-starts the auto repair ( 2% / s ), with a viper lightning lock ons most often means nice stationary targets
  12. Stonewall_Jackson

    It is a tough choice. IR smoke vs Auto-Repair.

    Maybe auto-repair with nano repair?

    IR-smoke with front armor?