[Suggestion] Light vehicle terminal for Loadstar.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ravenwolf Foxtrack, Jun 11, 2023.

  1. Ravenwolf Foxtrack

    For those of us who remember planetside 1 and the functionality of the galaxy, we remember that it could transport a small vehicle (harasser, ESB, skyguard, Lightning, deliverer, ant) along with a full squad.

    With how the new loadstar is just the spawn deploy galaxy of PS2 beta instead of the flying box that lifted tanks and sundies anywhere of PS1, I feel we should expand on that idea with having a small vehicle terminal and have the rear cargo hatch lower at deployment, giving the ability and option to pull a flash, harasser, javelin, ant, lightning. Sundies and MBT's are far to large of course and too OP. So with that said, any way we might implement this ability?
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