Light Assaults want Scout Rifles...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Tenebrae Aeterna, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Catch23

    sorry but this is just plain wrong.

    ACX, while been buffed in this category, has the worst hipfire of all carbines, COF Move is 2,75. Pulsar C sports the regular 2 while the autoscouts have 3. workable but not good. Pulsar is way better with hipfire, ACX still a little and it's the worst carbine in this aspect.

    and hipfiring isn't about COF only. DPM is very relevant as well. 24 x 143 is pretty bad if you don't go for headshots. The scouts' Hip COF is not nearly good enough for that and many infiltrators will actually put a grip on it (and even a compensator).
    The DPS is bad too. the Auto Scout is straight a downgrade to it's closest peer, the T5 AMC (which has more DPM and better hipfire).
    And even that gun is highly debated. Some like it, others hate it. I'd take a Trac-5 with a grip over it any day.
    Within knifing range any gun including the SAW is acurate from the hip.
    max hipfire (1,5 COF Move with ALS) lets you shoot acurate from 20+ m and is workable even beyond that. The difference in effective distance between HIP COF 2 and 3 is 5-10m
  2. Koopak

    Kinda what I was saying catch, in facter yer only point that argues in your favor is that scout rifles have poor dpm. This is a balancing factor for all these guns in hip fire, but the point is that they still have passable hipfire that can be used.

    Scout rifles have the best hip fire an infil can get short of an smg, so to claim that this wasn't meant to be a perk of the weapon for infils is ridiculous because before smgs that was their very purpose. Furthermore I am making this argument because not only are scout rifles ideal in the medium to close range area where hip fire gives way to ads in effectiveness, but they lack the range many people claim they have due to their slow projectile velocity when compared to real long range weapons.
  3. Catch23

    Second to SMGs (all 4 of them for each faction) in hipfire. That's true. Also true that this means worst cause there aren't any other auto weapons for this class.
    COF 3 with standard laser is not nearly as good as average carbine hipfire - so no, not what you are saying. Scouts are not ideal for close to medium range. PDW is better there, not only due to much better hipfire. The scouts range is 40+ m. Velocity is good enough for up to 100m.

    before SMGs were introduced the clip was 20 and hipfire even worse. Everybody hated the autoscout. It received various buffs since than and is pretty ok now but by no means as good as any carbine
  4. miraculousmouse

    you guys were the most voclal when LAs had silent jetpacks, it's rthe least you could do :p