Light Assault Gameplay - Screaming Bloody Murder

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Charlie, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Charlie

    Hello all, after posting this on the reddits I'm now doing the rounds here!

    This is my third LA video, this time with even bigger kills, so I hope you all enjoy!

    Also, as a disclaimer: I use all of the hacks. All of them.
  2. Maljas23

    Those Vanu at around 2:50+..... just Wow.

    Good Vid
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  3. Dalek

    Riveting show of force bro.

    Now go fight players that actually y'know... Shoot back.

    Or show parts of your video where you were outskilled by other players to lend some credence to what you are doing.
  4. Morti

    Why can't I ever find hordes of oblivious people?

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  5. Charlie

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  6. Quikloc007

    Yawn...use TR weapons when fighting then I'll give you a golfers clap.:)
  7. kadney

    Where did you find so many blind people playing computergames? Wow.
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  8. Mekeji

    Why didn't any of them shoot at you?
  9. PlatoonLeaderG

    What server are you? In Mattherson you get killed by VS from 100 m + without even noticing.....
  10. PlatoonLeaderG

    I think the camo + silencer + quick movements in large groups make him blend in(i want to try it now! only to fail :()
  11. DJPenguin

    Entertaining vid. I wish Waterson Vanu would let me dance in the middle of their groups like that. If you're that big of a fan of smgs give the new suppressed smg a go.
  12. Charlie

    I've actually been using the compensator now, I got fed up of the low effective range. I think the camo has a lot to do with it though.
  13. that_darn_lurker

    What you don't see is the 10x more of footage where he's fighting players that aren't clueless.
  14. Charlie

    Becuase 3-4 kills in a steak isn't isn't interesting to watch :p
  15. LibertyRevolution

    So are you lagging like mad and they don't see you? Or are the players on woodman really that bad?
    Yes, I am totally jealous that you can pull crap like that off.

    I may have to delete my briggs character and give woodman a go..
  16. Charlie

    Neither, I'm just very persistent. My overall KD is 1.7, partly because most of the time I play the objective and don't care about dieing, but also because when I decide I want to go and get some good kills, I will make 3-4 attempts before actually getting any results.
  17. LibertyRevolution

    Man, I would love to happen across a group of guys so tunnel visioned they don't notice half their squad is dead behind them, lol.
  18. grazr

    That last clip demonstrates what i hate most about the VS. That they play so many medics that they can just spam res people faster than you can down them. They really need to put a cap on the medic tool already.
  19. Paperlamp

    Noooooooo! Clueless medics that don't seem to realize they even have a gun make for good times.
  20. DJPenguin

    We've been preaching it since tech test. No fix in sight.