Liberators are fine: AA is the problem

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kriegson, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. FateJH

    If I recall the damage sheets correctly, stock ESFs take increased damage to flak, while stock Liberators and stock Galaxies actually have resistance to it.
  2. Menelek

    AA is fine, people don't know how to aim, I kill a bunch of ESF when doing AA, the fact that they can simply jump out and deny me the kill is maybe a subject for another topic, and since I'm a nice dude I'm going to reveal my super secret technique :

    To engage moving targets, the Sniper employs the following techniques:
    1) Leading- Engaging moving targets requires the Sniper to place the cross hairs ahead of the target's movement. The distance the cross hairs are placed in front of the target's movement is called a lead. There are three factors in determining leads:
    a) Speed of the target - As a target moves faster, it will move a greater distance during the bullet's flight. Therefore, the lead increases as the target's speed increases.
    b) Angle of movement - A target moving perpendicular to the bullet's flight path moves a greater lateral distance than a target moving at an angle away from or toward the bullet's path. Therefore, a target moving at a 45 degree angle covers less ground than a target moving at a 90 degree angle.
    c) Range to target - The farther away a target is, the longer it takes for the bullet to reach it. Therefore, the lead must be increased as the distance to the target increases.
  3. Kumaro

    Bah the ESF's needs a big buff to manuverability. Reduced ground efficiency and then they can just ad a weaker hovercraft as an more anti ground light attack craft. And let the ESF be a true Sky dominator. <.< these blurred lines with multipurpose BS is getting on my nerves it's twice as hard to balance and causes twice as many issues compared to just having one extra frigging aircraft instead.....-w-