Liberator with Dalton against ESF has got to go.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by vulcan78, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. Ttariel

    Again this thread ?

    If one gets hit by a Dalton in a ESF its your own fault, thats like getting hit form a dumbfire from a heavy.

    You picked a very bad way to move and put yourself in a very bad position or would fly in a way thatmakes it easy to know where to shoot.

    Thats like getting killed by a max when you try to knife it, sure go for it but dont get angry if it will not work out.
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  2. alard

    I did say I didn't think it needed to be changed. What I mentioned was what I felt would be a reasonable change should the Devs feel this is a needed area of modification. Dalton shots right now are easy enough to avoid, liberators are easily spotted from kilometers off, and a few clips puts out plenty of damage on them. The Dalton right now is not in need of balancing, as far as I am concerned. The post was an observation, or an attempt to understand and voice the perspective more clearly of people who may dislike the current mechanics. Nothing wrong with trying to articulate more than one view point.
  3. LibertyRevolution

    Yes, this is totally a L2P issue on the part of the ESF.

    Please see 50secs in that video, that is what is is normally like to be daltoning an ESF.
    That esf had every opportunity to disengage, but no, he is your typical greedy esf pilot that think he should own everything.

    If you then look at the next kill in that video you have an ESF, flying in a strait line at constant speed... boom, l2p.
    These are the people complaining about getting daltoned, your situational awareness gurus..
  4. Daikar

    this is just a simple matter of learn to play.
    I never had a problem with libs in my scythe, most of them are free cert pinatas and some provide a fun challenge.
    But if you get hit by the dalton or rammed!?!? you are clearly doing something wrong.
  5. Monkeydmomo

    Get out of my face, this is coming from a guy who wants nanoweave to be reverted because he needs his crutch to make up for his aim, and feels that the heavy assault is entitled to win every 1 vs 1. If you can't even handle ground game don't come out here talking to me about air game.
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  6. Daikar

    No they dont? have you heard about hover mode?
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    Out of every 10 libs I engage I maybe get hit by 2-3 of them (ramming,tankbust) (dalton 40%) I solo lib quite a lot too. So I am very careful engaging 2man libs, keep distance and don't fly under them. Just keep practising evading their belly shots.
  8. TomaHawk

    Dis, +1

    Libbing is finally beginning to be fun again. It's even doable with a mediocre pilot such as myself. The fact I can evade the stupidity of C4, AV Turrets, and for the most part, vehicle shells and other ordnance from the ground, I am able to concentrate on surviving pretty much from the highest threats; ESFs, other libs, and G2A crap. This is enough.

    If people are having that many problems surviving in an ESF from a lib:

    1. You could be bad (yea, I know, the cliche)
    2. The lib pilot is hacking (I've seen it, it happens)
    3. You are making yourself too easy a target; ESFs are pretty nimble, so why are you flying straight when he goes belly on you?
    4. #1
    5. Perhaps A2A missles + distance will help?

    I've flown lots in my Mossy, and I am no good flyer. I've yet to be killed by any belly gun. I worry more about the tailgun and other ESFs than the Dalton by far.

    Now, I've been in libs piloted by fantastic A-game pilots (Tenj on Connery). He knows what he is doing. I've downed Reavers with the Dalton, but guess what? They were flying straight and made it easier for me. When a light plane gets nailed by an artillery round, you should expect to be insta goo. My 2 cents.
  9. IamDH

    Well i dont think we should be comparing liberators to MBTs due to the multiple differences. Simply being in the sky puts you at a lot more danger than being on the ground due to less of cover. Then you have the multiple forms of AA (lockons, turrets, burster max and skyguard) as well as ESFs which can hunt down liberators rather effectively.

    To answer the OP: I disagree. The ESF has multiple ways of killing liberators and quite frankly if a liberator daltoned you you were either:
    1- Flying in a straight line
    2- Flying below the liberator
    3- He had very good aim and ability to lead
    As you can see, i dont really think this is an issue that needs to be addressed. If you change your tendencies then i assure you can kill liberators with ease. Considering you died 4 times in a row, im assuming it was your fault
  10. Herby20

    Not a lib pilot, lib is not balanced. It needs buffs or at least changes in multiple areas.
  11. Gendomaoken

    WoW, BAD mediocore pilots AGAIN whining about tank cannon mounted on a gunship, weapon which requires great aiming SKILLS( yes word SKILLS is key here), kills them in one shot. They dont want to learn how to fight lib, they wont adapt, they ask for nerfs. Nerf nerfmongering forumsiders.
  12. Dragoon_Hunter22

    Skyguards work just fine against libbs. Also, the Turreted AA in Tech-plants and Amp-stations are Stupidly good. You should have no problem hitting enemy libbs bombing bases 3-4 hexs away. If they fly out of your render range, gently nose the gan back and forth until you get hit markers. Just remember that bullets at that range take 5-10 seconds to hit the libby at that point.

    If anything, buff the libb. I always seem to get annihilated in mine, and for the past 2 weeks, its been gathering nanite dust.

    If you were able to put the same armament of a sundy onto a Galaxy, then you would have a semi-long range tool to defend yourself in the galaxy with, and it might reduce the amount of war crimes the dalton libbys inflict on the galaxy right now.
  13. LibertyRevolution

    Stay away from big fights, libs die really fast to 2 skyguards or 3 base turrets.
    You should be at a 1-12 fights farming the same poor guys over and over again until they rage quit.
  14. GhostAvatar

    I noticed the person at 50 seconds as well, then I realised it was MattiAce. In fact throughout most of the videos, the ESFs giving the most trouble to the lib in terms of trying to hit them and taking damage from them where from bling. That says it all really.
  15. Herby20

    I don't know if this comment is insinuating that the Lib needs to be nerfed or not.... Either way, Matti was trying to fight a good lib crew like it's an ESF and takes a Dalton to the face because of it. Flying in a slow predictable pattern without reacting to Dalton shots is a recipe for disaster. Here is me fighting some of Mattherson's best libs pilots/gunners

    Go to 5:20

  16. GhostAvatar

    Nothing of the sort. It demonstrates what most people here are saying. Unlike most the other kills in the montage, it took several shots to take him down due to taking evasive action. Only when he settled into a predictive pattern (probably because he was out of afterburner) where they able to land a shot on him. Its the same with the rest of the Bling members that are taken down in the other videos as well. Several shot to actually hit them, but once they overextended, get to close, or settle down do they get took down.
  17. Herby20

    Just checking lol. And yeah, I think a few of these lib montages show that Matti might not spend all that much time fighting Libs or he got extremely cocky. Fighting a good lib crew without extended afterburners is a nightmare. If I were him in that clip, I would have disengaged the first chance I had.
  18. NBA JAM

    I love all these kiddies who don't know **** about video games. "Learn to fly"? That's the best argument you can come up with. Man, what college/university did you attend, I want to go there.

    Its unbalanced. Its always been unbalanced. Why should the BOMBER plane be good against everything? Its meant to attack GROUND TARGETS. The fact that the game's engine even lets you flip upside down like that is ridiculous cuz in anyother game you would crash seeing as how you are a HOVER plane.

    SOE needs to get their head out of their ***** and fix stuff like this which was been ridiculous from the start. Putting massive anti-tank artillery on the underbelly of a plan AND CAN FIRE FAST was stupid. Give them bombs like PS1 problem solved. Keep the Shredder for starting gun and we're good.
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  19. Dead soldier

    Tip: Don't fly like a jet, have your thrusters pointed down and turn and dodge like hell. It's impossible to reliably hit those kinds of ESFs, especially sythes would are like that. But I only have 600 dalton kills and 124 tank buster kills making 90 hours of flight time. Some pros like wycliff or pntballa18 probably know lots more about the lib than me and might be able to hit those insane shots.
  20. GhostAvatar

    The same reason the FIGHTER plane (the F in ESF) is good against everything. Yes, nerf the dalton against air... once you have removed lolpods, Hornets, AI nose guns from ESFs and nerfed the other nose gun and Coyotes to do F all damage to ground targets.... I didn't think that would go down to well ESF pilots.