[Vehicle] Liberator Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Anonymous Qwop, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. Anonymous Qwop

    Remove the nose cannon capability of the liberator, and make the driver a dedicated driver.

    Put the tank buster on the belly.

    Shredder: Increase the min damage to 167 or 200. This will make it the long range variant of the tank buster.

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  2. Titan6

    The TB that's not on a fixed firing angle isn't a good idea. Also, as a belly gun, it's useless. It has no range whatsoever and the rounds travel incredibly slow.
    • Up x 1
  3. CMDante

    Make the Liberator an actual bomber that has to pass above things to drop shots, then make it have to maintain a minimum forward speed to keep altitude. Then you can do whatever you want to it.
  4. Obstruction

    nerf thread within 2 posts. classy.

    honestly the best changes you could make right now would be just to roll back some of the nerfs by like 10%. just give back a little ammo, a little splash, nothing too outrageous. i mean shredder and dalton of course, zephyr is in a pretty good place. they could actually give it a little more AV like they said they would and never did.

    if you want to talk bigger changes that just really won't happen, i think it needs some kind of resist shield that will let it linger for a few seconds over heavy fire, but not affect 1v1 or lower pop fights. so for example it would give 0-2% damage resist to 1 or 2 sources of damage, but as more sources pile on, it gives a good resist like 70%. then the shield breaks either after a certain damage is done or a short timer expires, and then a long cooldown before it can be used again. basically it is only useful for getting jumped by a lot of ESFs or for making passes over 96+ zones, and even then only buys you like 5 seconds to deal with it.

    other than that, it would be cool to see some of the proposals from back before they doomed the lib with that big update. like before valkyrie was a thing they proposed a troop transport module that goes in place of the tail gun. that would have been sweet, to be able to hot drop 4 troops from a platform as strong as the lib. but none of that will happen either.

    the best hope at this point is really just to ask for small changes to the values in the initialization files. cone of fire, rate of fire, damages and resistances, things like that.
  5. Archlyte

    The gun is too good against everything. They tried to make it drop off so bad that people wouldn't use it for Air to Air, but they failed. Make it a heavy cannon (Like Tank Main Gun) so it sucks at Air to Air and it's fine IMO