LF Outfit

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by dant, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. dant

    I am looking for a competitive outfit that plays prime time/late night. I am 22 and live on the East Coast and work as a cook in a restaurant. I normally work during the day. However, I find myself working night shifts occasionally.

    I would like to play with people who like to win and know how to do so. I like to have fun, but I also like to win. I would also prefer to play with a group of people who are 18+.

    I normally play Heavy Assault/Engineer for my infantry kits. I fly Mosquitoes with a ground support load out. I also drive the Prowler. My K/D is 2.6 and my rank is 20.

    If interested you can leave a post here or message me in game and I will make an application as needed.
  2. Tulka

  3. Borokov

  4. Tibincrunch


    Armored FIST is an ages 18+ outfit looking for mature players that are serious about Planetside 2 and playing smart. Avoid the zerg outfits with no structure and join us.
  5. cgudemon26

  6. Tshapedvisor

    Come check out Imperial Reach www.imperialreach.com we have a link to our teamspeak on the site we welcome you to join us and see if we are what you are looking for.
  7. Graniterok