Lets not forget. Where is the Cert Screen? Where is ADS while jumping?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ragmon, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Ragmon



    So let me remind the community, everyone that we raged at the Removal of the Cert Screen.

    Here is a reminder how it looked:

    WE WANT THE CERT SCREEN BACK SOE! So lets all make a fuss about it all over Reddit, cause the devs just don't visit their own official forum anymore.

    ADS while jumping, I can't bring up this subject without mentioning how baddy the LA got nerfed, directly and indirectly over the past 2 years. Its just so sad how SOE is sh**-ing on the LA with every move they make.
    If not ADS while jumping atleast give the LA the ability ADS while Jump Jetting. If not that, remove hip-fire accuracy decrease while jumping and/or jump jetting.

    Besides the LA, it still annoying that every pebble, not a perfectly flat surface will knock you out of ADS.

    So let me announce it, we forgot to complaining about things that got removed that NO ONE EVER ASKED FOR.
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  2. FateJH

    Doesn't that mean we didn't really need as badly as we felt we did it in the first place?

    (I've found that ADS feels much more consistent and has smoother transitions recently, but that may just be me.)
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  3. ajma

    I need neither.
  4. Rovertoo

    I'm thinking because those things aren't super duper crucial. I'd much rather have new stuff than bring back things that were removed for a reason.
  5. Ragmon

    I think its more about, the community stopped complaining cause, we just gave up at some point.

    Something like this:

    Patch, ~1 month after Cert screen removal.
    Community: WE STILL WANT IT BACK!
    Patch, ~3 months after removal.
    Community: We want it back!
    Patch, ~6 months after removal.
    Community: We are never gonna see the certs screen in game ever again huh guys? Nope. Eh F-it.

    As an LA player, I fly on to un-even pieces of terrain all the time, and its just horrible how inconsistent ADS thing is. Just my observation at this point.
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  6. Ragmon

    I see the reason behind removing ADS while jumping, I just think it brought more problems then it solved.

    As for the cert screen I don't see any reason. It was there it worked, some one put some hard work into it. Many players liked to ogle at it an plan their Cert purchases. No we cant even see how much a 2nd upgrade will cost us, without curchasing atlest Rank 1 in the ability we would like to purchase, thus we can't really plan out cert purchases ahead, without ALT+Tab -ing.
    It was there, it fulfilled a significant function for players. Then it got removed for no f-ing reason.
  7. FateJH

    To be fair, I don't LA a lot. I'll spend a whole session or two as an LA jumping between rafters, or so it goes, and get feedback from that later.
  8. Rovertoo

    Join the master class, brother!
  9. Rovertoo

    Actually, from what I understand, Higby (or some other dev) mentioned that the cert screen will be making a reappearance sometime. Hopefully even more streamlined and with more information. They've got the new HUD/Directives info display framework now so I think they want to use that somehow.
  10. Ragmon

    Yea I heard the rumor, that was more then 6 months ago... way more. Like I said, as I see it we gave up on seeing the Cert screen ever again.
  11. Huishe

    ADS is bad and you should feel bad.

    Cert screen, on the other hand, is good.
  12. Telono

    ADS while jump jetting never was really useful, simply because you got the jumping cone of fire, making you as likely to hit your target as SOE getting a nerf right. Same goes for uneven terrain : if you fall, you get that cone of fire.
  13. Canno

    I think ADS should be allowed for LA's jetpacking but disabled for everything else, and everyone else, while jumping/flinging/falling, etc.

    Jetpack is central to the LA, they should know how to ADS and jetpack.
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  14. Rovertoo

    Eh, has the Cert screen been gone for 6 months now? But hey, either way, the Devs are working on a new and improved Cert Screen (which I think they are), or they aren't, and it's not a super big deal, just because it was a reasonably minor convenience that was moved to make room for the very very nice Directives screen. At least that's how I feel about it.
  15. vanu123

    I miss both.
  16. Rovertoo

    This would be pretty nice. While we're at it though, I'd like

    A) A tool like a weaker HA rocket launcher, like a Thumper or something

    B) A new 1v1 oriented Jetpack that works like the Thruster pack in Halo 4

    But apparently the Light Assault is the 'forgotten class', and is never mentioned in any announcement or Higby Pls... :oops:
  17. NoctD

    I gave up complaining. But you have a +1 from me for having both of these back in the game.

    Personally, I say the Devs just got lazy with having to continue building the cert screen, and they're far too busy bothering about nerfing everything else into the ground instead of looking into making old nerfs that didn't make any sense go away.
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  18. task_master

    You clearly never used smoke when ADS while jumping was a thing.

    Not to mention it was fun to drift around wherever you went with the NV scope up.
  19. CNR4806

    Cert screen was useful in the sense that I didn't have to alt-tab and fire up the wiki to see the effect of higher rank unlocks.
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  20. Ragmon

    Thats true, but for me it was more about helping me see a target using zoom, that and once I hit the ground I didn't need to wait for the character go into ADS. But that might just be me feeling like that.