[Suggestion] Let us complete a directive objective more than once

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheFlamingLemon, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. TheFlamingLemon

    In completing a directive, I think it would be cool if we were able to do one objective multiple times to complete it. Once an objective, such as getting a certain number of carbine kills as light assault, is completed, it would reset to 0. That way, the player could go for that one again and use it to fill up multiple bars of the directive. However, each time a player repeats a directive, it should get more difficult to complete, by something like 25% of the original. So, if a player wanted to complete, say, the carbines directive using only the Lynx, then they could get 1160 kills with it and go up a bar in the directive, then get 1450 kills with it to go up, then 1740, and so on. A directive that requires 800 ribbons to complete would go up to 1000, then 1200, and so on. This, in total, means that players would no longer be forced to go for directives such as max punch that are excessively difficult, and would make the directive system much more flexible to the players and better overall, in my opinion.
    • Up x 2
  2. Reclaimer77

    Wow I really like this.

    We could even have Directive Tiers. Like I've already gotten the VS Directive Carbine, the Eclipse. Buuut if I want to do the Carbine Directive tree all over again, when I finish I get the Eclipse V 2.0. One that doesn't suck balls.
  3. XanIves

    Guide to the (New) Medic Directive:

    Step 1: Find a Biolab

    Step 2: Equip Medic Tool

    Step 3: Hold down RMB until directive is complete
  4. Demigan

    I think that it would be a solution only for a few classes. It would be too easy for many people and classes to achieve "all" directives with this method and get aurax armors and explosives.
    I think that things like a directive weapon should be a reward for playing all those weapons, not grinding a single weapon because it suits you because that way 95% of PS2's players would have gotten all aurax weapons and armor on every class and vehicle they regularly played. Of course I also think that the directive weapon should actually be a reward that allows some unique things or at least allows you to recreate your favorite weapon's characteristics while grinding for it so what do I know?

    Anyway, I would prefer it if this was only possible on classes like the MAX that has otherwise nearly impossible things to achieve, like the MAX punch. Even then I would do things like: weapon kills get a 100% increase each time you redo the directive, since those are the easiest especially for a MAX, the more difficult one's would have lower increases like your suggested 20 to 25%.
  5. Scr1nRusher

  6. KuroNoKitsune

    I would definitely need this for vehicles since I cant do road kills, the servers hate me so any time I run a guy over I just pass straight through.
  7. TheFlamingLemon

    To give people alternate options when completing a directive requires near-unobtainable feats. For example, I want to complete the Force Recon directive, but I can't get ES knife kills because I use the auraxium slasher, and I don't snipe so marksmanship doesn't work. It's also good for players that don't want to grind max punch, deployed sunderer kills, air deterrence ribbons, and so on. Simply more flexibility in directive completion.
  8. Pelojian

    the collision box for enemies is slightly ahead of them that's likely why you have missed, another thing is that for example if you disconnect your network while playing everyone keeps running in the same direction they were moving before.

    in other words on your client people move in a direction until the server corrects and updates their status. someone you are trying to run over can dodge you and to you it appears they phased right through the chassis of your vehicle.
  9. KuroNoKitsune

    I've tried running over an afk player, just passed through him, then reversed into him, eventually just got out and shot him.
  10. Endlave

    It would already help if the devs added a few extra directives for alternatives, so that I wouldn't have to be forceed to do something I never do and know I would never get the directive completed even in a thousand years.
    I am already looking forward to auraxing HE for my prowler [/sarcasm]. It's such a pain in the *** because the cannon is so damn bad, but what choice do I have? It's not like the devs will add the damn Gatekeeper aurax to the directive anytime soon.
  11. Pelojian

    lol i've aruaxed all the prowler main weapons i need about 600 top gun kills/driver assists for the final objective i need.

    getting kills with prowler HE is about finding the right battle where you can fire on enemy infantry advancing in an area lacking in cover.