[Suggestion] Let Players Re-Equip Vehicle/Aircraft Loadouts

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Morsong, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Morsong

    I never understood why players are able to re-select their infantry loadout at terminals, but vehicles/aircraft cannot. Sometimes I accidently choose the wrong loadout for my vehicle/aircraft and want to re-equip but I cannot. There have been quite a few times I select an anti-air Mosquito but find out that I'm nearly useless because I did not know there was so much enemy armor on the ground.

    Wouldn't it be nice if players were able to land their aircraft on an airpad and be able to re-select their loadout? Wouldn't it be nice if players were able to drive their tanks to a vehicle bay and re-equip their loadout? And while we're on this subject wouldn't it be incredible if players were able to deconstruct their vehicle in proximity of a vehicle pad and have it not count against the acquisition timer? Then the deconstruct option would have more of a meaning for being there rather than just sneaking around and deconstructing so nobody can see your vehicle/aircraft.

    So in case nobody read the top two paragraphs I want to ask this question again: Wouldn't it be absolutely lovely if players were able to re-equip their vehicle/aircraft loadouts if at a terminal or landing pad? I could see this being very, very helpful because like I said, a lot of players don't know what's on the other side of the hill until they get there. Many times I've rolled an anti-air mosi wishing I had rolled an anti-vehicle mosi, and then I'm practically useless. I think many players could benefit from this being implemented. Thumbs up if you all agree? :)
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  2. Gisgo

    If a tank battle turns into an infantry battle or im just moving to a new battlefield i should be able to switch the weapons on my sundy without spending another 400 resources.
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  3. Hosp

    Just that part. Yes.
  4. Izriul

    It's these type of threads that are needed on the forums, sadly, it's 90% NC yelling and believing propaganda.

    +1 from me.

    Hell, why not take it one step further

    Stock Tank 150 resources
    Secondary gun 50 resources
    Special ability 50 resources
    Minegaurd 20 resources
    etc etc

    Load out can be changed for XX amount of resources.
  5. TheEvilBlight

    Wouldn't mind it either. Next question is mechanics. Do you have to put it onto the pad? Won't other people destroy your equipment by using that term to spawn an aircraft (like in PS1)?
  6. Lakora

    Or it could be said that the Nanites are broken down than reconstructed in the desired pattern since you still have the "original" it's just a matter of changing the shape of them. :D Or something like that..

    Also the vehicle destruction thingy already happens. :) If you park on a vehicle pad n someone spawn a vehicle yours go boom.
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  7. MykeMichail

    Its a good idea, but I think there should be restrictions, like only being able to re-equip at a Warpgate, Tech Plant, Amp Station, or Biolab, and maybe re-equipping should reset your timer.
  8. Morsong

    yep exactly. players would need to re-equip at a terminal/vehicle pad for their land-based vehicles, and airpads for their aircraft. I also agree with the other poster about having to reset the acquisition timer if a player re-equips as well, just to keep the balance there. hopefully a dev see's this and considers this option. It really would be quite nice..
  9. Pockets

    You'd certainly see more skyguard if people could switch to it as needed.
  10. Darkseal

    Yes yes yes.... This is needed sooooo bad. I don't care what they need to do to make this "balanced", reset timer, suck up a few resources, etc... So many times I pull for a tank battle and it turns infantry. I would like to switch out!
  11. Xizwhoa

    I don't think it is necessary. The only thing that would ever be needed to switch out for is tank rounds, but heat rounds are there for the everything play. Esfs should be for a2a so you "should" be using a2a missiles. Vehicle resources are the way they are for a reason imo.

    Not knocking the thread because in practice it's not a bad idea, or off the wall like every other thread here. It's just my opinion that if you build it a certain way and the scope of battle changes, you shouldn't be able to just switch it up on a whim. Vehicles aren't infantry, they are inherently powerful on the battlefield. If a tank battle turns into infantry fighting, you shouldn't be able to go from anti tank rounds to he rounds. This of course is merely my opinion.
  12. GraphicJ

    Many more as well as I have been mentioning this since BETA. Unfortunately devs don't care about this.
  13. Compass

    I'd prefer it only working at major areas, and you'd be charged a fraction of the vehicle's cost for replacement.
  14. Terrex

    It would be cool if you deconstruct in your warpgate if it takes the cooldown off and gives the resources back. If you are in the WG it seems pretty reasonable.
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  15. DirArtillerySupport

    No one is talking about doing it on a whim...restrict it to the warp gate. You can't get something like a tank anywhere else unless you own a tech plant right?

    They could make it really cool too like a drive up garage pad that dematerializes the offending equipment and materializes your new choice. Fixing this with numbers in a database seems like a cheap move. We could use some new content facility wise since we lost the Sanctuaries. The Warp Gates seem more prop like than anything....I mean people actually create swarms of aircraft to crash into them....they are dead space.