Legal Wallhack! (Motion Spotters and Darts)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReNz0r, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. ReNz0r

    yeah true but sometimes you dont have the time to crouch move unfortunately
  2. o0CYV3R0o

    The calls for nerfs on the pc section of this forum is getting more and more rediculous every time i look lol whats next? Nerf trees or rocks?

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  3. RainbowDash9

    to be fair, trees have killed way more than all esf pilots combined
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  4. FateJH

    Trees have been the great bane of our existence for thirteen years.
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  5. LodeTria

    I think the darts are mostly fine, because they require up-keep (shooting them every 45 seconds) and an ammo pack to provide constant radar at a fight.

    The motion spotter is way too strong though in that it has no upkeep, ludicrous duration (240 seconds!) and provides better intel than the darts. You also get 5 of them at max rank, giving you 20 minutes of radar in total, in comparison to the darts 3.75 minutes of total radar time.

    If I were to nerf it, I would either prevent it from being reloaded from ammo packs or change it's intel type to the dart's type of pulses instead of how it is now.
  6. Gundem

    I see a lot of people defending motion spotters using EMP's, crouch-walking and Sensor Shield to defend them.

    Personally, I find that all three of these methods are crap.

    EMP's, the cost resources, have to be resupplied at terminals, and require your suit slot to be able to carry more then 1 at a time.

    Crouch-walk? Are you serious? Have fun taking 5 minutes to get to the point, the base will be capped before you get there(Assuming someone doesn't shoot you in the face while you crawl towards the fight). Mobility is too valuable in this hectic game to even consider crouch walking everywhere.

    Sensor Shield is the closest thing to a counter, but not only does it cost a ****-ton of energy, but it's max range of 20 meters means that most of the time, you won't be able to use it either. Most capture point buildings are 20-35 meters long, which means that you will be in range of the spotter most of the time.

    Having played with and against them, I must say that in an organized squad, they are far too strong. They completely invalidate flanking, stealth or positioning, and they are far too sustainable.