[LDTF] Little Dog Task Force

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by karrde, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. karrde

    Well hello there! We are Little Dog Task Force or LDTF. We are a fairly relaxed group of gamers who play PS2,Tribes Ascend,Minecraft,etc. So if you are looking for a fun outfit to play in that can get stuff done ingame as well as being goofy from time to time and laid back then feel free to apply!

    We do require a few things

    An application

    >Go to the following URL to apply for the outfit.

    A microphone

    > We require a mic for coordinating while playing
    and being able to help each other.

    Willingness to listen and work as a group

    > We use teamspeak and the leaders will be giving you orders
    and telling people where points of interest are. And you need
    to be able to listen and follow any direct orders given. And also
    to help your fellow outfit mates,faction mates.


    > I'm not saying you have to be a super mature 30 yr old that's serious
    all the time but just don't be an 8 yr old immature COD player.

    Don't be an as*hole and be respectful

    > Don't be an idiot to your team and to your fellow players. You can
    have fun and goof around sometimes without being an as*

    Be active

    > I'm not asking you to be on every day for 4 hrs unless you want to.
    I'm just asking to be on more than once a month. I know people have
    their lives and families and I don't want to keep you from work/school/family.

    We are essentially looking for mature,friendly players that want to have fun and willing
    to work together, And also anyone who is looking for a multi-gaming community