Launchpad 4-400 Error

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by emanb29, Dec 11, 2022.

  1. emanb29

    I get a persistent 4-400 error across planetside versions (over a year now) and entire uninstall/reinstalls. I've tried everything from verifying game integrity via the steam launcher, to deleting launchpad caches, to deleting the entire installation directory and reinstalling via the steam launcher's "verify integrity", to full on uninstalling and reinstalling. Nothing has fixed this error.

    After about 8 months of issues with this (back in April 2022) I decided to dig deeper. I intercepted the traffic between the launcher and the launchpad server via a local proxy on my system and an additional HTTPS root certificate to allow decrypting my own traffic. I found this error from the Apache server:

    It seems the generated user-agent (in particular, the base64-encoded XML fingerprint of the system) far exceeds the Launchpad server's configured limit for header fields. I am entirely unable to log in to the game. I switched to a different game as a result of this, hoping that the problem would just go away. It's now been 8 more months, and the problem persists. I miss playing planetside 2.