Lattice System - Give it a chance

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Zagz, May 24, 2013.

  1. Zagz


    First, this is my opinion and my view on things. I'm not stating that I have the absolute truth nor am I starting that different opinions are wrong. I'm an old school RTCW/Quake 3 gamer and participated in old DOOM 2/Duke Nukem 3D Lan tournaments haha! All this to say, I do know what an FPS is :p

    Something interesting is happening and I'm sure many have see it. There's fights all around the map. Not just at a base, near the capture point. Last night, the VS and TR were fighting over the control of a single valley. Whoever were able to take it over would most likely gain the upper hand and capture the base. It started with a frontal confrontation, eventually, people begin to use the high grounds and placed some snipers to stop the advancement, LA became useful as they were the only one that could fly up and take these snipers down. Meanwhile, a bunch of harasser were sneaking behind the hill to suddenly emerge on top of the hills and shoot down everyone in the valley. The TR won that battle and we were able to take over the base.

    The Lattice system allows fights to occur between bases. Yes, the HEX system was also capable of doing so but since it allowed so many point of entry, most battles would occurred at the base itself. The Lattice may look a bit more linear but in fact, it allows a lot of strategy to be used. People may not realize it but because the fights are a more focused, you can play a lot with deceptive strikes, setup some amazing traps and such. Any outfit with a good tactician will understand the importance of mine placement. Now, because it is a little bit more predictable, a good defense becomes a possibility.

    The HEX system was fun but it was chaotic. You had to keep track of ghost cappers, incoming random assaults and there was no way to really know when you were going to get attacked. Now, it's a bit different. You can see a pattern and attempt to predict where the next attack will be. On the other hand, the enemy can play that card to their advantage and suddenly secure and turn tails to a completely different base.

    We won't see these kinds of tactics for a while. It will take time to develop but predictability offers a whole new world of psychological warfare. :) - This is a lot like playing chess. It looks super simple and easy on the surface but is it really? So many possibility!

    The Lattice System does need some tweaking and PS1 had Ants and Nanite generators. That's something that should come back. Resources should be more limited with increasing spawn timers in certain situation.

    The HEX system was perhaps more open and free for all but it was also a very easy to abuse system. People need to chill on the emotions and just this a try, play with the new tactics and explore the new possibilities.

    Think about it! :D
    • Up x 3
  2. Naehloseht

    I gave it a chance when it was called Planetside 1 which is completely free to play right now by the way, I did not like it then, I have no idea why I would like it now.
    03-05 Emerald.

    If PS1 was so great, then why haven't droves of masses of people, mass downloaded it and why hasn't PS2 been abandoned?
  3. Nyscha

    Because they haven't announced it yet duh?
    Most of the ex PS1 players aren't on the trash called PS2 once the emails get sent out announcing f2p for PS1 expect it to explode.
  4. Naehloseht

    Alrighty then, I am going to hold you to this quote. If PS2 doesn't fail because PS1 went F2P, then your wrong.
  5. InfraRedPS

    People don't need to give it a chance because I doubt it's going anywhere! It was on the test server for almost a month and made it through to live, those people missed their chance at getting it pushed back.

    Anyway, when I look at the lattice and my empires progress, there are only ever 1 or 2 adjacent hexes on the front-line that can't be taken due to not having a link.

    I am happy for lattice, if outfits still want to stampede over hexes uncontested, there are always options available even on this new lattice design. If every single contestable link for an empire had a mini zerg versus zerg fight going on, I can understand their concerns, but it's rarely the case.
  6. FrankManic

    It had ten years. PS1 was a great game, emphasis on was. Now let go and move on.
  7. FrankManic

    The idea that PS1 will ever have a population again is absurd. The game is over. It died. People like to talk about it but when they go and try to play again the nostalgia will hold out for a week or two and then they'll drift away.
  8. InfraRedPS

    I don't know... a PS1-HD might last a few months, but not worth the development work :)
  9. Zakuak

    I'm giving it a chance.

    Your mention of fights breaking out in places between bases is so true. Last night I was fighting in some crazy spots I had only seen in passing prior to the lettuce. Pretty cool.

    I had hoped to get some more time on Indar last night but I had to shift to Amerish and help defend.

    I have all weekend to myself so I plan on 3 days of PS2 haha, I'll get a better picture of the lettuce and it's pros/cons I am sure.