Latest patch... very little improvement.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hitback, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Hitback

    These so called "big battles" are all huge lag-fests.

    Towers battles consist of HE spam, nothing more, nothing less.

    HE rounds still do splash damage through walls.

    The best thing about PS2 is the medium size battles, and that's it.
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  2. Camycamera

    what patch? if you are referring to optimisation patches, none of them have even come out yet. first major optimisation patch going on the test is Oct 9th i believe, and the patches on live should be on Oct 25th around, if i remember correctly.
  3. Klypto

    Who still uses HE these days?

    Lightnings and Prowlers?
  4. PieBringer

    Plenty of tankers use them.

    I have a good hearty laugh every time I see it on my kill screen.
  5. VSDerp

    must be trolling.
  6. Axehilt

    The best thing about PS2 definitely is medium-sized battles. The level design doesn't scale well to massive fights.

    I'm not sure I'd say tower fights are all about HE camping. I mean yeah, if the enemy rolls up on your tower with massive vehicles and you're just a bunch of infantry, you're going to be suppressed.

    And I sort of thing the suppressed infantry needs some more convenient method for organizing a vehicle counterattack.
    • Part of the problem is that not every base can spawn tanks, which means sometimes it's not even an option to spawn at a rear base to accumulate vehicles to make a counterattack.
    • Part of the problem is convincing people it's more fun to win than stay at the fight suiciding (but having lots of combat.) I think most players stuck at a doomed fight don't even realize it's a possibility to spawn elsewhere to bring vehicles.
    • Part of the problem is it's so hard to organize the counter, compared with the enemies who already has vehicles onsite, who simply have to sustain enough of a critical mass to be unstoppable.
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