Large amount of CTD from last patch? ETA on hotfix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Elrobochanco, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. Elrobochanco

    I hadn't really noticed how stable the game was until it was ripped away on friday. I know that previously the devs had worked very hard and stamped out most known random crashes. While there were memory issues that happened over time the game didn't crash a lot for me. Maybe once every few days, or even weekly?

    Though since friday I have a double dose of render locking up needing me to force kill the game. Or just the good old crash directly to desktop with no warning. It is really killing the drive to play this game when you are in a good fight, having some good back and forth and them bam looking at desktop. I have an SSD and load in fast, but that doesn't mean that I will still be able to get back to the same place/fight very quickly with how spawning rules work.

    Sometimes I can play for over an hour, sometimes my game will crash every 5 minutes repeatedly. Last night I was driving a magrider with a single other guy and we were trading off when we got blown up. We each crashed 2-3 times over the span of less than 5 magriders. This might have been in a 40 minute span. It felt a little ridiculous to all of a sudden disengage and go wait for your partner to login/load/respawn (assuming they weren't the driver and you are now boned).

    I didn't put this in tech support because it's not exactly a repro case. Just wondering how many other people had their game get significantly crashier. How much did you use to crash? how often do you now? The only stuff I've even seen SOE mention so far is input issues which while large aren't literally keeping me from being able to play the game.
  2. kevin_g

    I've been experiencing the same thing. So far my crash to desktops have been the cause of vehicles exploding near me. My latest crash was from my prowler getting blown up by C4.