Lama Initiative [LAIN] - recruiting

Discussion in 'Cobalt (EU)' started by KubiManiac, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. KubiManiac

    Hello, my ingame name is KubusVanus and I have created an outfit in Cobalt. The outfit is still small, 36 people in total, but we get many new players lately, we have our own voice chat server, soon it will change to teamspeak 3 for the outfit members to communicate and we will have our own outfit site soon.

    • Be a mature person and have a logical and tactical way of thinking
    • Have a microphone and speakers
    • Cooperate well with teammates
    • Be online casually and not 2 times in a week
    So I will be expecting some comments and we will talk more in-game. Also the team's language is English cause we have a variety of players, myself being Greek.
  2. Sh4uwn

    Hey man sounds really cool my InGame name is Sh4uwn maybe meet up sometime I'd really like to join up and am interested in teamwork and stuff
  3. PixelDonkey


    I've sent you a friend request ingame. I really want to find a nice social and active outfit. I only play on Cobalt and I'm rank 20. I'm 100% a team player.

    Look forward to seeing you in game.


    i'dd like to apply for this outfit.
    I'm fearly good scythe pilot (there is virtually no place I can't fly with it)
    I can fully equip my scythe for A2A with guided rocket or A2G with rocket pots.
    When I'm not in the sky I'm a sniper.
    My ingame name is FFPKILL
  5. SnobbY


    I'm applying to this outfit because i want some "intimate" action with not like 200 players, but a small team. I can play most classes, but haven't yet decided what to go for in terms of certs. I'll just add you as a friend. see you on the battlefield:p
  6. Mats391

    id like to join as well IGN: Mats391 (BR 30) i mostly play support classes and would love to take part in some bigger platoons
  7. Theodor Sunde

    Hai KubusVanus, im very intrested in joining. i play often, however i am a new player. And i do have mic, TS3 "stuff" and i enjoy piloting ;) i have added you as friend ingame, let me know if theres a spot for me. THANKS :)
  8. KubiManiac

    Thank you guys all for the interest! I hope I see you in-game. Also some corrections, the voice server is still mumble, till we get a platoon ready, then it will convert to teamspeak 3 I think. So download mumble if you want to speak with us more often :p
    Also we have a forum being built by a member of our outfit : Check it if you want, it's still starting but I will update it with strategies :)
  9. Hypnoso

    My ign is Hypnoso. I can distribute decent air support and massive infratry room cleaning. I like to work with squad smoke and direct pointers. 24 years old. K/D 1400/600
  10. frodrick

    sent you friend invite frodrickthe1st, looking for ppl thats casual but when they play they do it right, your description look like its what im looking for. rank 21 and i play mostly support like medic and engineer, but i can play most things. BUT when i play i play as my character was intended, if support i dont try to kill stuff, then i support etc.

    play more than 2 times a week and ifi find good team players id sure play more than 4 times :D
  11. LeaRSi

    We are still recruiting :)
    Feel free to join us and make Vanu proud!
  12. Da Kind Chap

    Hi I would like to join. I play quite casually but some time I cant play. This info may be useful.

    1. In game name?


    2.Battle Rank

    I am currently rank 2 as I just made a new account because of some issues I needed to delete my old account. However I am still quite good in PS2.
    Additional Info

    2. My experience with FPS games in general.

    I play quite a lot of FPS eg.TF2,Counter Strike Global Offensive, but mostly I play PS2.

    3. My rate as a marksman, on a scale of 1-10? (That means, how well I shoot.)

    Around 6 for carbines and smgs and 8 for sniping long range.

    4. My experience working with organized groups, in PS or in other games.

    I have played MMOs in groups and also some multiplayer strategy games.

    5. My willingness to follow orders and to pay attention to squad chat.

    I follow orders most of the time and always have an eye on the group chat for instructions.

    6. My preferred class and vehicle.

    My favorite classes are light assault and infiltrator(fine with sniping and smg) and my favorite vehicles is flash.

    In your convenience you can inform me anytime as I would be checking responses every week. You can also invite me to the outfit anytime.
  13. rhinosaurophi

    dear planetside 2 community on cobalt, I am afraid to tell you that the lama initiative is dead.
    ever since june the outfit has merged with phantom company.
    as one of the few ex-lain members I forgot to tell everyone of this happening.
    before we merged with PTMC we were nearly dead with just 5 to six guys online daily.

    in regards to the phantom company. here is their recruitment page where the remains of the outfit linger.