[Suggestion] LA Jump Jets - Drifter Jets Toggle.

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by IAmDeathStalker, May 7, 2014.

  1. IAmDeathStalker

    Now this idea was posted in yell chat on Planetside 2, I've forgotten who made the suggestion (Sorry), but I think it's a great suggestion that ought to be taken into consideration for the Light Assault revamp.

    The suggestion made was that Light Assaults should be able to toggle between jump jets and drifter jets on demand, rather than having it as a loadout option. Perhaps make it an ability to cert into? Let's discuss shall we? :D
  2. Iridar51

    Kind of an old topic.

    Myself I don't like it. Instead I'd like to see overall buffs to both JJs and drifters. Switching seems weird and unintuitive.
  3. IAmDeathStalker

    Has this suggestion already been made?
  4. Iridar51

    A ton.

    There wasn't much outlash, though. The overall theme surrounding the idea of toggling between JJs and drifters ranges from "meh" to "would be nice".
  5. Key Pusher

    "Now this idea was posted in yell chat on Planetside 2, I've forgotten who made the suggestion"

    That was I.
  6. Thrustin

    How is it unintuitive? Seems pretty practical to me. Drifters are way too situational to ever warrant good use of it.
  7. Iridar51

    It's called "producing essences" in Russian. Basically, an alternative formulation of Occam's Razor: "It is vain to do with more what can be done with fewer" and "A plurality is not to be posited without necessity".

    To translate this to human language: there is no reason to have to two jet packs, when they serve the same purpose. Drifting is something that shouldn't require a separate jet pack mode, or special equipment, nor does it. One can already "drift" by tapping spacebar with regular jets.
  8. Thrustin

    I don't quite follow you. The suggestion here is that drifting indeed should not require two separate jet packs and you said it was not a good idea.

    In addition, you cannot really simulate the drifting of the drifter jets with the normal jet packs, they exhaust way to fast, especially since every tap of the space bar exhausts more fuel than if you would just hold the space bar.
  9. Iridar51

    Having two jet pack modes is little different from having two separate jet packs, just less hassle.
    I think that JJs should be straight up buffed so they wouldn't be so bad at drifting, and give drifters an actual use.