Koltyr overpopped but no new continents opened

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Arpheus, Sep 22, 2021.

  1. Arpheus

    Koltyr is full with 26 ppl queue but no other continent will open. Probably some numbers have to be adjusted for this continent since it can obviously not fit as many people as other continents but probably the threshold for opening other continents cannot be easily reached on Koltyr.

    Hoping for a fast fix

    /edit 50 ppl queue now and 3 sanctuaries open
    • Up x 2
  2. Wolfmachine

    This change with Koltyr is problematic. The queues aren't working, which is not a surprise, but now you're forced to play here. If you want to work on your ANT or MBT directives for instance, which you can't pull on Koltyr, why would you even bother to play if your only choice is Koltyr? Another update to give people more reasons to NOT log onto PS2.
  3. BlackFox

    The only reason to really play as NSO is to at least play on Koltyr if the queue is too long. They had the same issue long ago, too - one continent open but massive queues without opening another one
  4. RabidIBM

    Are you in a faction balance queue or a max population queue?