[Suggestion] Just stop talking about it please

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Halvorana, Jun 17, 2013.

  1. Vaphell

    apparently you have entirely different playstyle and i assumed rams. I finished auraxium with nc14 weak ago too and it was a painful chore, i couldn't play more than 1hr at a time out of frustration and nanoweave was the main reason (mostly cross country on amerish/esamir as lattice indar and big battles in general destroy my framerate).
  2. Effect

    I personally don't seem to have too much issue with bolt actions, don't see the complaints.
  3. Sworaven

    Good attempt at trolling! Almost had me there. 8/10
  4. Yousho

    For some reason I thought this was going to be a "Infils should whisper when spotting" thread. Ya know, something that I would actually have payed attention to.
    It's not about quick scoping, it's about getting super long ranged hard-to-do head-shots and then not being rewarded because the enemy happened to cert into something entirely passive.

    If an infil head-shots a target either: The target deserves to die for being derpy enough to stand still or the infil deserves the kill for getting a moving head-shot, which is hella hard to do.
  5. Karbine-Mthersn

    Why is this troll talking about quick scoping and hip firing with bolt actions? It's blatantly obvious that this joker has next to no experience with the class and no **** idea what the community expects.
  6. DownhillDino

    I never really understood the complaining. It just seems that people are a little (or even a lot in some cases) butt-hurt. I find no flaws in the Infiltrator class, it is just a little difficult to use. Who said things had to be easy?
  7. Gadamlu


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  8. Scan

    I will not stop talking about it.

    Nanoweave armor is ********, made for the ********.

    Headshotted 6 guys in succession. Not one kill.

    I think out of the 100 headshots I'm getting now, atleast 40 are not killing the target straight off, atleast not when I shoot high ranking players.

    Everyone using it, and claiming it's not overpowered should be ashamed.

    There's alot of other things I'd like to say, but SoE's forum guidelines are very restrictive on what you can say, before you get another message in your inbox that says: You said a naughty word. We cannot have naughty words in our forums, because we've been raised by mormons.
  9. Scan

    Oh my god!

    Here we go, even the word for a mentally limited person is censored.
  10. MrForz

    Infiltrators have a hard time being useful overall, and Nanoweave isn't helping that. Problem is that Nanoweave is the best choice for most of scenarios already.
  11. Vaphell

    the one starting with r?
    i got a message for subverting the filter once - i wrote the first letter and autocensored the rest with .
    Now i just curse and let the filter do its job :)

    Forumside battles i wage in the gameplay forum every day are not easy, antisniper bias is strong with this one.
  12. haldolium

    Me neither...

    Got NW on most of my chars, not even maxed out at one of them and deaths to snipers are around 1-3% at best. And thats usually when they finish me off after I took damage from elsewhere...

    I find it ultimately hard to sniper appropriately too through single-scope-****up as well as a slight imbalance in how long it takes to setup the shot in comparison to how fast infantry runs and changes direction.

    no idea what the fuzz about bolt actions is... imo they're fine.
  13. Crewell

    I wouldn't care so much if it wasn't for the imbalance in weaponry.
    You have sniper rifles which are used by one class that gives up some of it's durability to compensate for the ability to kill quickly vs. a skilless pump action shotgun usable by every other class which requires a person to only get close and aim in the general direction of the target.
  14. Scan

    Okay, I had a bad night, so I was abit annoyed. Still the question I can't seem to answer is : why is it NOT okay, to have a bolt action sniper rifle kill instantly, when it hits the head?

    Why not? Why give people a protection against this when there's already many other things that can kill you with one shot?

    Why deny a player that practiced and invested his time into this class the ability to actually drop the target when they hit them? Why is it okay for a fully certed MAX, to completely empty out a room in one go, but it's apparently a big problem if a sniper manages to hit a moving target in the face kills with one shot?

    Where's the logic? And how is one cert preventing instant death from everything., balanced?
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  15. Kaisuke7

    This guy, I would agree if sniping doesn't keep getting worse. Range, bullet damage and people strafing has become worse. There is no such thing as mid or long range sniping now; way to many ppl use maxed nanoweave armor. The only class still at risk is the infiltrator its self. You don't get 2 shots with a bolt action; You shot, get a head shot, they live, run to there pet medic and heal, then they come after you. So now give me a real discussion about balancing this b.s.
  16. AnnoyingFlies

    I don't see a problem from either end. I have no problems getting a nice headshot one-hit streak with a sniper, and they seem to have no problem killing me sometimes. (i have maxed nano-weave on all characters, and i still get one-hit-headshot from max health with some classes (medic, engie, LA, infiltrator)
    I honestly don't see a problem. OP is right. and to be honest a HA shouldn't be one hit from a sniper anyway. the sniper should be the one taking out his medic and support ;)
  17. m44v

    How about no?

    The OHK range of the bolt actions should be increased, guys tanking headshots indoors from a weapon that takes like a second to cycle is ridiculous.
  18. Aimeryan

    If only we could downvote...

    Statements like that show you have absolutely no understanding of the issue at all.

    I'll help you out on this. Sniper rifle bullets lose damage over distance - in this case, the loss is about a third of the damage potential over a very short distance. Afterwards, they then don't lose any more damage, for whatever reason.

    The minimum damage, with a headshot (which doubles the damage), is higher than normal health+shields. However, nanoweave increases health by 50% - the result is that the minimum damage is now not enough. This means a second, slow veloctity shot needs to be taken - now against a very startled target who can continuously change direction in an instance.

    Hopefully you understand now why your statement showed a profound lack of understanding. In case you do not; you can still be OHK on a headshot with nanoweave if your attacker is close. This obviously seems rather odd given the design of bolt-action sniper rifles.

    The very crux of this issue is that long-distance sniping is completely gimped by nanoweave, while close-ranged fighting is not. If you are not a long-distance sniper then it isn't going to bother you. Does not mean it is not an issue for those that are, however.