Just Nerf It

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KamiCrazy, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. KamiCrazy

    Honestly the whining about VS weapons and the magrider is beyond ridiculous.

    I say just nerf the damn faction, get it over with. I play VS on Briggs, I'll just move to another server and start a new character on NC.

    Planetside will be better with just 2 factions.
  2. Shockfrosted

    I understand your frustration, but the day we give in to the demands of the less mentally gifted, is the day we sacrifice our integrity for comfort.
    Those who would trade liberty for security deserve neither.
    • Up x 2
  3. HadesR

    I don't think the Mag is OP in itself .. But I don't think the Dev's when they made the terrain / base's totally took into account players ingenuity or ability to find flaws in their design's ..

    Just had a Magrider sitting on top of a Amp station wall ..

    OP Tank ? No
    Bad base design ? Yes
  4. FateJH

    Too many people have issues with PlanetSide 2. Let's nerf it.
  5. Malonez

    This topic's title made me think of a new brand of shoes or shirt that is like Nikes with "Just Nerf It!" instead of "Just Do It!". Maybe it could be a new in game skin/camo/decal/hood ornament
  6. Ronaldspiers

    We shall whine on to the end. We shall whine in France, we shall whine on the seas and oceans, we shall whine with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our whining, whatever the cost may be. We shall whine on the beaches, we shall whine on the landing grounds, we shall whine in the fields and in the streets, we shall whine in the hills; we shall never surrender
  7. Dulu

    I think the problem lays with the Engineer class, and his ability to repair instantly.

    Combined with the Mag's insane mobility, it's just very hard for even 4-5 infantry to take out a Mag, even if they're all HA.
    • Up x 1
  8. h00n

    Anti-vehicle turrents for engineer firing fast moving AP shells would give magriders absolute hell.
  9. MikeDK

    The vast majority of players don't use this forum, I trust (maybe naive, who knows) that the devs will look at their own data and testing when making changes, and not that of a minority who spends more time complaining than actually playing.

    Besides, the major problem I see with the game thus far is lack of reason for defending hexes, zerging and zones dying due to lack of interest in capping/defending more lightly populated areas (Amerish is dead on Woodland, everyone is on Indar around the middle playing Farmside, it's getting old)

    PS. I have mag jumped up on a wall on Perish Amp station, and when I succeded I suddenly didn't know why I had even done it in the first place, except to see if I could, it's not really a good idea since heavies are having a field day with you, you can't strafe and jumping from the wall and down is likely to get you flipped and dead... so it's not all that m8 lol.
  10. MikeDK

    Yes and make having any armour/sunderers/jets in the game absolutely pointless, nice thinking there.
  11. h00n

    Because you can one shot armor and reliably kill an aircraft from a tank.

    derp, nice thinking there.
  12. MikeDK

    Was that a reply to me because it made f*** all sense.
  13. NightFall

    WTF are you talking about. Magriders can't go up vertical walls. If it's that stupid beta video that's been going around here then you must be an ignorant Fk since that was patched long ago.
  14. HadesR

    Not sure if you are a fool or a tool .. My guessing is both ..

    Mag's can jump from the hill on to the side wall of Persis Amp station ( no vertical climbing required ) ... ..

    So guess who's ignorant ? :)
  15. h00n

    I don't see how an AT engineer turret would encroach on the role given to air. I was saying that just as stupidly as you responded to my post. See how that works?
  16. Sgarv

    Mag is fine in my opinion, especially if you have a G2G launcher
  17. Kameho

    You forgot to add:

    Bad Tracked Vehicle coding and design ? Yes.

    In all honesty, the magrider is fine, its just that the other tanks just suffer so much from beeing badly designed.

    No gun stability.
    Controllers beeing completely akwards. (vehicle start turning by itself when reversing, etc.)
    And starts flying all over the place after hitting a small pebble on the road that happened to have a larger than life terrain-hitbox.
    Not to mention driving on tracks is like driving up a icy slope in the middle of winter in summer tires with a busted engine, relying on your grandma pushing your car uphill while you try to controll it as when beeing a midget.
  18. NightFall

    video or ****
  19. Xizwhoa

    Big problem is the mag can shoot down at things because they don't rely on a turret, which gives it a big advantage against other tanks. If it's op then the other mbts really are just total **** up against it.
  20. Xizwhoa

    I saw one two days ago on HVARs wall. You're just an idiot.