Just me or is greifing getting bad ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kassidus, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. Kassidus

    In the last 2 times ive played I have had people grenading spawn rooms, ive had people blocking my tanks from getting in ot out of places, Ive had my air ships bumped by other air vehicles or shot by friendly tanks.

    Only have about 20h in the game and im already not wanting to log on, couple that with the useless non talkative general population that cant get anything done i dont even know why im playing.
  2. PresidentOfButts

    Its not just you, unfortunately Its indeed getting pretty bad since there arent any real repercussions to it in place..
  3. BugsPray

    I came on here to post this exact same thing. Was waiting for some teammates in the warpgate to jump into a Lib I just saved up for and some ******* spent a couple minutes trying to flip us and was successful. Name was tintodd on the Genadine (I think that's how it's spelled) server.
  4. Kassidus

    The worst part is this horrible timer and resource system, just get enough resources to finally fly again, and some ******* makes me crash and now i have to wait 15min on a timer if i even manage to get the resources to buy it.....worst system I have ever seen.
  5. wolfva

    About the only thing you can do is report them.

    /report <name>; or you can hit the Spotting key (Q default) while targetting them to open a menu, select 'send tell', then replace /tell with /report. You can also send a support ticket with a screenshot to SOE; forgot the link but it's stickied either in this forum or the tech forum; heck, just click 'support'.
  6. Kassidus

    yup and they make another free account and troll harder ....just another reason I hate F2P
  7. wolfva

    If you hate F2P then don't play F2P games. Problem solved.

    However, saying 'Don't do anything because there's nothing that can be done!" isn't going to help either. I don't know what SOE is doing about this; maybe they're doing hardware bans. Maybe they're doing nothing. I DO know we have tools that enable us to at least report the people doing this, and we should use them. Just how many bans does the average TK'r go through before they get bored creating new accounts anyways? It may take time, to work, but eventually it will.
  8. Iksniljiksul

    Except that SOE stopped policing their games back in the early 2000s when they moved the ticket system to an online knowledge base while completely dropping the guide program. Right now a couple of dedicated people might be around to answer the reports, but even if they do (which I doubt) this will not last more then a few months. Then you will get a system where you receive an email about three days after the fact pointing you to the knowledge base and asking if this solved your problem.
  9. m44v

    if you're so sure that SOE isn't going to do anything why are you here? just to whine?
    • Up x 1
  10. wolfva

    What m44v said. SOE has a long standing policy of not telling 3rd parties about disciplinary actions. Perhaps that's because they're doing nothing. Or, perhaps it's because they don't want to get sued again. Remember, the reason why the guide program was scrapped was because of players (can't remember which game) decided to sue for wages for their volunteer work. It was less of a headache for SOE and other companies to just scratch those programs.

    Anyways, whether or not SOE is doing anything, WE will not know. Unless, of course, you're a hacker who gets caught. So, we can either work on the assumption they do nothing and kvetch about it impotently on the boards, or we can assume they actually ARE doing something, in which case we can be proactive and help them by reporting those who violate the rules.

    Let's see....if they're doing nothing and we report people, what have we lost? A few seconds. If they ARE doing nothing and we sit here and whinge, on the other hand...we lose the ability to get rid of a cheater. I'll take the potential of losing a few seconds over the potential of letting someone headshot an entire squad with a pistol at a 1000 yards.

    Really, when the choice is between whining and doing something, you should always do something. Other then whine <G>.
  11. HadesR

    Had someone nade me today because I went to hack a terminal before he did ... Not so much griefers but kids with ADHD that are spoilt by their parents and throw tantrums if they don't get their own way
  12. Vellsi

    Made similar experiences already and posted about it in another thread ( http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/some-nice-guys-hugging.53921/ ).

    To sum up how I feel about it: Right now you can not do anything but suiciding aircraft into people who grief others. That stops them, assuming they are just 1 person and not an entire squad of griefers with a ton of accounts. ;o

    Not that it wasn't predictable to happen when you can create accounts randomly in a F2P game but until any patch changes it we simply have to live with it.