[Suggestion] Just make headshots ignore the heavy shield

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Bonmortical, Apr 23, 2015.

  1. Bonmortical

    Heavy remains durable against most sources of damage but can't tank as many headshots anymore so flankers and higher TTK weapons, provided their aim is good, can be more potent against HA. A few headshots will cut TTK down closer to what it is against other infantry.

    No fancy changes needed, no charge up time on shield, etc. etc.
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  2. repairtool6

  3. MahouFairy

    Yes, I think head shots should always be more rewarding, since there is a higher possibility of you not hitting anything as compared to aiming the body mass.
  4. Eyeklops

    Sure, if you remove the shields movement penalty.
  5. Bonmortical


    Yes, some "elite" players might see HA as a class for noobs since they're obviously all @ 50% HSR, but they'll remain a strong class regardless and we shouldn't balance strictly around the top 1% of aiming capability anyway.

    The shield would be something you'd have to think a little bit more about using, which... is how all other class abilities work right now.
  6. Czarinov

    Yep, agree. A good idea.
  7. Ianneman

    Holy **** I was about to make a thread suggesting this myself.
  8. omfgweeee

    Shield is the same everywhere arround you its not logical to not protect your head... and no I am not HA main...
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  9. Hatesphere

    I like this idea, even though head shots already do give a damage bonus when the shield is up. its a pretty soft nerf and it will encourage people to improve their aim more to kill heavies.

    Game balance is not always rooted in real life logic.
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  10. Ronin Oni

    I'd accept this if it stopped all the HA whining.... which it won't.

    I wouldn't be bothered by this though. Would make HA's weaker for sure.
  11. Crayv

    I think headshots already do enough with 2x damage. The change to nano-weave not blocking headshots has pretty much made me stop using it (and picked up grenade bandolier instead).

    Changing the shield to where it reduces movement speed AND doesn't protect headshots would make it near useless.
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  12. zaspacer

    I don't like the idea of putting more emphasis on Extreme Accuracy skills (or Aim Hackers, even ones that can rig it so it's not as obvious). Which in turn, dials the game even more to give advantage to players with great skill in quick and accurate aim.

    Sure, almost all players will be able to isolate and hit the head from time to time, but in most cases it's a minority that excels at Extreme Accuracy and would be able to capitalize on this more often. In addition, this same minority of players could keep themselves significantly negate the HA Shield bonus while themselves still getting that bonus when facing most others. You end up with a situation very much like playing ESFs with its top x% Movement and Aim Skill players dominating ESF vs. ESF duels and the ability to fly (or not fly in big groups)... and most the server HATES that.

    You want to be finding solutions in things that Average Skill players can tackle. Otherwise you're just creating different types of problems by giving solutions disproportionately to a small % of players.
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  13. AxiomInsanity87

    I see a game where everything is op in the right hands and roles are clearly and nicely defined with purpose.

    Can we start thinking about new and nice stuff now please.
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  14. omfgweeee

    If i could i was going to downvote this like 1000000000000 times....

    You do remember you're playing a first person shooter game, right? This right here is the main reason this community in general sucks ***.
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  16. Hatesphere

    except its already like that since headshots still do extra damage through the shield. A better player that can hit headshots will still win every time in a HA vs HA fight.
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  17. Jubikus

    i'de have to agree it not protecting your head makes little since and i hate heavy assults as they are the only class i dont kill when i shoot in the head as a sniper main.
  18. ne3zy

    HA shoud not be able to have nanoweave armor, it gives them 2040 EHP against bullet weapons.
    Heavies have to be nerfed, that's for sure, there are a lot of ways to do so:
    - HA are not able to get nanoweave anymore
    - Armor don't protect the head
    - Slow HA even more when shield is up (atleast 75% slow, so they are easy targets)
    - Make armor less effective against bullet weapons
    - Reduce LMGs damage against infantry to compensate for the bonus HP
    - etc

    --> The best solutions in my opinion are either make them not able to use nanoweave or make them ultra slow while shield is up.

    @zaspacer a game shoud not be balanced around noobs
  19. AxiomInsanity87

    Precisely. That's why none of you ha nerf whiners are taken seriously or worth much effort in responding to.
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  20. zaspacer

    You are a very passionate(?) person.

    I am aware that Headhots (and Legshots) provide Damage adjusting multipliers. The OP's suggested change would adjust that damage even more, and create an even larger gap between Head and Body TTKs.

    That's why we carry guns and shoot each other while in a first person perspective.

    Apparently, you feel that we are playing a First Person Headshot Shooter. Or perhaps we could really make it street cred skills "legit" and make it a First Person Eye-to-Cranium Shooter (either eye), then we can chase off the entire playerbase except for 1% 1337 Aimers and aimhacks. (maybe Eye-to-Lower-Edge-Of-Helmet, Exposed Face side only... and only if they have an open Face Helmet; if they have no Helmet then it's still Eye-to-Cranium; if they have one of those fancy Full Head Cover uber armor looking player studio helmets then they might take even less damage than the body)

    In combat, even Action Movie combat, hitting people in the body kills them. There is no reason for this obsession with getting the Brass Ring for hitting someone in the head, other than people who are good at it liking it because they can do it (yeah, I'm 4' and I can be a Jockey = this is so cool). This isn't like MMA and you're hitting the guy in the Jaw. Maybe if headshots added in extra Screenshake or Concussion Grenade effect if you go this enough in the head, now THAT I'd get. And impair their movement if you hit them in the legs... we don't have that now... why don't you complain about that? Or hit them in the arms and it hurts their Equip time, etc. If you're gonna do Bodyshot effects, at least make em make sense.

    I remember the old days, when you could just shoot players and they'd get hit. Shoot them enough and they'd die.

    I cannot undo the brainwashing you've had from playing games and believing that their rules and systems are "truth" because that is what they were or because you are good at them. But it's all just arbitrary rule systems, that will change over time, and should be set to create the best play experience and game for the players and company making it.

    PS2 cannot afford to make a game that gives massive advantages to niche % of players with specific dexterity skills. You'll just have to develop thing like "strategy", "coordination", "tactics", etc. to succeed instead.
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