Just got Completely blindsided by Planetside 2 Today

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Mazzar, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Mazzar

    I just....I cant believe this happened, i was so certain....

    Today's deal is:

    Infiltrator Apex Helmets!

    I swear i thought it would be light assault apex helmets, i...i just dont know how i can live with myself anymore, or play planetside 2.

    Completely didnt see it coming, i feel...lost and confused, used and abused, i feel dirty.
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  2. omega4

    I never understood the appeal or logic in buying something that only others could see, not yourself.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    To make yourself stand out and be unique in some way... even if it's not unique and just less common :p
  4. tjalfe

    hmm i thought that was done by being skilled :p
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  5. Ronin Oni

    Yes and no....

    It's easier to recognize skill combined with visual difference than skill alone.
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  6. NutMeat

    I lol'd
  7. Mazzar

    Biggest twist plot in planetside, to date!
  8. QuantumMechanic

    By and large, most all of the customization options I've seen makes your character look more silly/stupid than anything.
  9. vilehydra

    It 's also Christmas, ya know where people give gifts, not deals. Silly SOE try to build your customer loyalty up a little please.