Just an honest opinion on faction balance.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dibola, Dec 15, 2012.

  1. Dibola

    I thought I'd try the NC and Vanu yesterday for the first time since I play TR mostly. Here's what I noticed right off the bat when I was first deployed into the warzone.
    • The Vanu just own. They need debuffed just a tad. I was killing TR and NC left and right like no tomorrow and I suck as a player so that's saying something.
    • The NC...they didn't feel op...they felt on par with the TR I gotta say but once again when it comes being against the Vanu, lol, good luck...pew pew [sometimes one pew] dead.
  2. Garzin

    I just think that because of the warp gate position, NC seems to be always cornered by TR and VS. And that's where all the NC whiners come from.
  3. iller

    It's not called being cornered. It's called getting "Farmed" and it's the most sensible thing to do in a game where 1 or 2 unlocks can take Weeks to attain.
  4. Germanius_GER

    I had the same "impression" last time i tried VS and NC.
  5. Apples

    I've not felt under powered or over powered on any faction, I've been playing all 3 and I see the same things go on in terms of wins/losses and how they happen. The whole concept of any faction being so drastically different from the others is a fantasy. Population/armament/players (players as in age and skill) are variable and can change between fights. You might be fighting with overwhelming numbers one time and sub par the next, you might fight noobs or you might fight skilled players. Don't be so quick to judge. Not to mention servers are not created equal. VS/TR/NC are not the same on every server, different players, different power.
  6. VKhaun

    I play all three and I can generally agree.

    NC and TR feel fine, VS feels a little stronger at close range for some reason I can't really put my finger on. I don't feel like I"m playing it any better or worse, but I somehow get better results on VS. Everybody is the same at medium IMHO. The better shooter always wins the best infantry fights at medium range, which just makes me fall in love with the game all over again whenever I find a sprawling infantry battle between a smaller base and a Sunderer.

    At longer ranges with carbines/AR's/LMG's I feel like TR have an advantage with naked guns, but once everyone has attachments it feels good again.

    Then again I love the Lasher at medium-long for area denial and everyone says that's terrible...
  7. Azren

    Funny, I had a similar impression, when I tried TR. Their guns are simply superior to the VS.
  8. Spiffmeister

    Needs to be a new forum section for people crying about faction balance.
  9. Dibola

    I'm sure you've thought about the factions being unbalanced a tad at times too so don't act like you haven't. Btw, noticed that you've mentioned you've only played VS so...yeah. How can you call me a whiner when I actually played the other factions to see for myself and you haven't?
  10. Spiffmeister

    Thinking about the other factions as imbalances is a natural reaction when you get killed, because it's natural to blame anything other than your failure.

    I find it amusing that you've gone to the trouble to check my stats, and speaking of stats the devs are constantly logging and collecting stats, if they thought any factions weapons were imbalanced they'd fix it. And also on stats;
    TR weapons are the most overpowered, not opinion based.
  11. FoolishFoolish

    Heh of course as someone whose main is TR would want the only faction that has a chance against them in CQC nerfed.

    Basically this is yet another "Faction A is too strong, but Faction B is fine and Faction C well their juuust right" Which translates to "I play B and would like C to stay at the bottom and for A to stop being a threat"
  12. Dibola

    Welp, can't change your opinion and my opinion is my opinion. I'm not gonna change mine.
  13. James161324

    After playing all 3 factions, it goes TR>VS>NC.

    The problem with the TR is they basically are the VS stat wise, but Soe forgot to nerf the TR damage at range. Basically the TR is just the better version of the VS at this point. The NC got nerfedto a point where half the players want to leave. I looked at the Carv vs Saw. The carv is so much better. The Saw gets 30% more damage, but 20% more recoil, but the Carv gets 50% higher ROF. Explain to me how thats balanced

    The NC new lmg seems to be going to the way of balance but you should not fix balance problems by selling a fixed weapon
  14. Jestunhi

    Cherry picked stats.

    TTK looks at a tiny minority of weapon stats, and isn't that particular spreadsheet from beta?

    Here's the one from after the latest patch: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...ZOSWNaanFqSUVxLWc&f=true&noheader=true&gid=12


    And all people do is link to the stats and say "these prove me right". But the thing is, all 3 factions do that and none even attempt to explain WHY the stats prove them right,

    They think providing a link proves them right.
  15. MarioO

    If you want to say what is overpowered don't argue with how you feel one faction is overpowered. Look at the results: If we say that Amerish is never played much on there are two continents remaining.
    Esamir is always (on most servers) Vanu territory. Indar has always heavy fighting with TR having the upper half for most of the time, but they are rarely able to conquer much more.

    There is a reason that the Vanu always own Esamir and very often push close to the Warpgates on Indar. I don't want to speculate about what the reason is, but I think it shows that the Vanu are the ones who need to be reworked somehow.
  16. xtoph

    You obviously haven't tried TR after the last patch. Our cone of fire got bumped up dramatically and now at anything beyond close range you have to burst like NC, only one difference is even on a 3 shot burst with a TR LMG some of your bullets still go randomly left or right of your aim even sometimes on the second bullet. TR was nerfed big time last patch and anyone who still says TR is on top is delusional.

    Oh, and you mention the carv, are you joking? The CARV and CARV-S are broken now, it takes 5 seconds to pull the gun out and shoot or to stop running and shoot so close range is bad and not only that but like I said above, medium to long range is a joke now for all TR LMG's so please stop going off of old game play and get with the times.
  17. WhiteWolf

    While I'm not the one you were addressing, I sometimes wonder how I can unload 2 power cells into the back of a TR, only to have him turn around and 3 shot me... Full health/shields on both of us, and he didn't use the NMG.
    Likewise, I wonder how an NC LA can jetpack over me "BAM BAM BAM" I'm dead.... again, I had full health and shields.
    It's all relative, and it's all affected by your outlook.
  18. lsp1

    What game are you playing? Everytime I play VS or TR I feel like god. Trac 5 carv and cycler still need a huge nerf, just give them huge CoF like they're supposed to have. And delete VS from the game, no one likes them anyway.
  19. Phrygen

    NC feels weak as hell, mostly because they are atm.

    The vanguard is not that good compared to the mag, and the recent bugg to the reaver has left it a flying brick.

    The HA gauss lmg buff was pretty solid for the NC though, but as this game is completely based on tank/air combat atm, NC are doing pretty poorly. Frankly, i know the prowler isn't the best tank, but the double shot thing is pretty solid for infantry. The vanguard is so slow its just food for decimators.
    • Up x 1
  20. RobotNinja

    I like them...in their cute little purple spanx. :p