Jumpjets take 10% of fuel every time fired

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Madmanx, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. Madmanx

    I'm noticing the JJ take 10% of fuel immediately when they are fired. Even if you're already airborne. I have JJ6 and have noticed that making mid air corrections can leave me without fuel. The same corrections a week ago worked just fine.

    Anyone lese seeing this? It's like the WOOSH noise burns the fuel.
  2. Springheel Jack

    Yes, I've noticed this too.

    I'm glad it's not just my imagination that we have less flight time after the patch.
  3. Kronic

    Hasn't it always been like that? Both drifters and jump.
  4. Flashtirade

    This has always been a thing for me. I never understood how people could pulse their jets.
  5. Ripshaft

    Can answer this by answering this one:

    yep, it's always been like that.
  6. Wolfwood82

    Yes. People are just finding stupid excuses to post new threads and raise up more hate.
    10% = 10 pulses = a fair amount of distance. If you time it right you can get pretty far with pulses by spreading it out between jet time and pulse.

    Also they might have corrected latency issues related to a potential bug where people recharged spent energy due to ping and insert-more-techno-bable-here-to-explain-a-bug.
  7. Madmanx

    Because with 6 jumpers regen used to refill faster than reactivating. If you were airborne they wouldn't immediately lose 10%. With the latest patch, regen is lower and you immediately drop.

    I'm seeing a lot shorter flight time. If you didn't pulse before the patch, then quite frankly, you weren't getting as much use from jj as you could have.
  8. Oakwalker

    Hey, you may or may not notice, that your jets has regen jumps when you pulse, so that 10% burn with just activation, it evens out when you let go.
  9. Madmanx

    Used to. It has changed with the last patch. regen no longer out paces activation. I get less air time. And a complex flight path is more likely to run out of fuel.
  10. RobotNinja

    I said the same thing last night. I feel like I've lost a level of jumpjets.
  11. Intruder313

    Well this explains why I can only just make it onto some roofs when I used to see LAs hopping from tree to tree....

    Looks like I reached Rank 6 jets just in time for them to get nerfed down to the previous Rank 3-4 levels!
  12. Jackalmaster

    I felt like my jets aren't as strong as before. Can anyone confirm this?
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