Jet Boosters for Flash

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AuroraLunacy, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. AuroraLunacy

    I have been playing PS2 a lot lately and everytime I'm on a flash and on my light assault all I can think is "why can't I go off this jump and hit my jetpack while on the flash?" It seems pretty logical that if you had a jetpack and a lightweight vehicle that you'd be able, and would want to use your jetpacks to help lighten the fall or even to help you get up things, or just so I can take big bad *** jumps in my ATV because lets just ask ourselves, why not? :-D I also think this would make drifter jets have a new intersting element as you could fly into bases on your atv. Think about it, post, and add it soon SOE! :)
  2. Tamon

    Add rocket pods to that formula and I'll /sign.
  3. Nehlis

    Try the Turbo boost
  4. wowie

    It would be interesting to allow the class in the flash to use his abilities while driving...
    But make it cost some certs so that everybody isn't running around with invisible/invulnerable/flying quad bikes.
  5. AuroraLunacy

    I can put up cert points for flying ATV's! :-D Oh ya and we need 3rd person crosshairs, its impossible to drive/manuever a flash and shoot in cockpit view, the ATV takes up half the view.