Discussion in 'Helios (US West)' started by JENKMAN, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Escorge

    Ran into JENK last night during our daily camp of crater firing range. Good fight boys!
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    By monday we'll be 200 people strong :) huffin that jenk, cappin that crown, cappin them continents
  3. kaptinkrunch88

    Bump from TUBB. You guys gave us hell last night on Amiresh but I think I gave better than I got for once. But I still couldn't push you guys out of that last base.
  4. Nahwel

    Jesus Christ! My Brain was burned out yesterday trying to push the NC... o_O

    Dark times ahead for vanu it seems. At every corner the obstacles become bigger and more persistent than before. We will rise to the challenge.

  7. RachelGomez

    Bump for you, but still muted.. or at least I thought so until I heard you blasting some music at TI alloys ;)
  8. Reposite

    lol why'd you mute this dude!! its been alot better around him now, not much of the mic spams lol.

    Sometimes when it's too tactical and serious around DPSO I'd hop into JENK platoons and enjoy some nice cool fun, with teh elite music!
    Technology+Music = JENK.

    lol cool dudes! :D
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    Thanks for the thumbs up, we've been doing our part in the alerts and when you see 3 platoons against 1 you know JENK is there against the odds :p
  10. HellionX

  11. Cham

    I always run into a squad of you guys and regret it. :(

    At least it's not a platoon of us XD. Everyday the shenigans get wackier and our accomplishments greater, I'm proud of the little Jenk army I raised.
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    Added an 'educational vid' to explain what JENK is. Hopefully more people will understand we are not just some leeroy jenkins running everywhere.. Although he was one of the 4 great jenk prophets foretold in the ancient fecal text.

    Whipping JENK up to be fine men and women that know how to kick an *** or two
  15. kaptinkrunch88

    Bump from TUBB. You guys are still making me get better.

    With us becoming 400 members strong in the next couple days. Making a difference during those alerts every time
  17. kaptinkrunch88

    Missed you on the Connery invasion. I was looking forward to fighting with you guys instead of against you.

    Damn, we missed it, it was bad timing I guess. I still didnt get to find out when that was, not to mention I was swamped with work almost all damn week.
  19. kaptinkrunch88

    Hey JENKMAN. My boys ran into your crew at granite valley tonight. It took us a while but we pushed you out. I hope I can keep running into you guys. There is no slacking when JENK is around. You slack, you die. /salute from TUBB again.
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    hehe expect no mercy as we expect the same courtesy whenever we face your overwhelming zergs but bet your damnedest if you leave an opening to strike we will strike hard and fast to make you regret it. There will come a time where the majority of VS platoons will JENK and you'll rue the day NC tried to overpopulate themselves