[Jaeger] Outfit Leader's Guide

Discussion in 'Waterson (US East)' started by Blackweb, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. Blackweb

    I speak to you as an experienced guild and outfit leader who has made many mistakes in the past and had many humbling experiences. Politics and diplomacy are an important part of leading a large outfit. I have learned this the hard way in the past. A few rules I follow as an outfit leader:

    1. Never speak ill of another outfit leader. When it gets personal, it gets nasty.
    2. Never troll open chat channels in voice or text chat.
    3. Remember that we are all on the same team and as such we must work together with all of the other outfits on our faction in order to be successful.
    4. I have no authority over my faction or over other leaders or their outfits, cooperation is 100% volontary. As such, try to give other outfits positive incentives to cooperate with my outfit.
    5. Choose your words carefully and make them few and brief when speaking in open voice or text chat channels. That way, others will listen when you speak.
    6. I sometimes make mistakes and I always admit my mistakes and take full responsibility for them.
    7. Give credit where credit is due. Always give others credit for and thank them for aiding in our success.
    8. My purpose as an outfit leader is to serve others, not to be served by them.
    9. Lead by example. What you do will always speak louder than what you say.
    10. Have absolute integrity. Always be honest. If you cant tell the truth, dont say anything at all.
    11. Remember that its just a game. When the battle is over, we are all still friends.
    12. Always treat others with respect, both friend and enemy.

    I counsel all of my officers to do the same. PHX is happy to be on Jaeger. Lets work together to make this a good community.
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  2. Bulletdance

    Too Little...Too late.
    Let me relate to you something that happened to me a few nights ago. It was late, after midnight EST. I logged on and joined a pug squad in battle at Sungrey amp station. After some time the SL logged off and I found myself promoted to acting SL. At the time there were nine of us left in the squad. I have SL certs (waypoints, smoke, beacons), and I often lead pug squads. What I didn't realize, was this particular squad was an outfit squad that had been opened to the public. Things were not going well at sungrey we were having trouble keeping gennies up and things were looking grim. I got my squad to redepoy to a nearby tower and we pulled a sundie and rolled out. We started hacking up enemy territories in the backfield in an effort to relieve the pressure. We would flip it then leave or hang for a few minutes to ambush the first responders, then leave. The tactic started to work. More and more enemy forces were diverted to dealing with the nine of us (we had to pull a fresh sundie from time to time but for the most part they had trouble pinning us down).
    Eventually a platoon commander, who had not said a single thing the entire time I was online, starts screaming at me for '******* around with his squad'. I found myself booted. I started getting tells form the squad I was with, asking me to start my own and they would join it. I did, and seven of the nine originals joined me along with three warpgate arrivals. We continued with our our guerilla war for about another twenty minutes and that's when I heard it. A couple of guys over command ******** that I was ******* up the cert farm. They didn't know that I had certed command, as I've never said a thing, just listened. One of them said he was going to have his guys TK me for it if they saw me. A couple of others justed chuckled.
    The plain truth is the environment on Jaeger NC is about as toxic as I've ever seen in my twenty years of gaming. There is no room for differing opinions and certainly no room for varied tactics. The leadership I've experienced is the gaming equivalent of contracting the clap, once you get it you won't go back to the one who gave it to you.
    I can honestly say I'm done with the lot of you (I know I'm painting a few innocents with the same brush, but frankly I don't care). I wouldn't cross the street to urinate on your heads if your hair was on fire. I'm done on Jaeger. The thirty or so bucks I spent on equipment will be left to rust in the Amerish jungle and the Alpha squad implant ticking away uselessly. That's an acceptable price to me to be rid of the lot of you.
    I urge anyone left on that faction, that wants to breathe fresh air, to get the hell out. I arrived on Waterson yesterday and the community is vastly better, incomparably better actually.
  3. vaxx

    Thats interesting. I play Vanu on Jaeger, but NC on Connery.

    I have been killed by C-4 overloading a generator, had my Sunderer blown up, and purposely killed.....by fellow NC. No, not accidents.

    I do not have an oufit. One time, I was driving down the road in my Vanguard, heading to a battle when two other tanks, and one sundy show up. I hear a boom and notice my new tank was 1/4 life. No enemies around. I thought the Vanguard behind me shot me...but I didnt want to jump to conclusions, so I putter on my merry way. Since I am now much slower the NC outfit vehicles, they pass me. As soon as I turn a corner, they are all stopped and a heavy is out of the sundy and finishes me off with a rocket.

    This is just one incident of many with my NC gametime. I got so frustrated not knowing when I am going to get TK'd, that I packed it up on that server. Its odd that stuff is happeneing here as well. Is it an NC thing?

    Never have issues with Vanu or my TR character. Accidents happen, and TKing is common every night. But purpoesly doing it to be a jerk, or elitest is pretty damn lame.
  4. Blackweb

    Ok so you had a bad experience on Jaeger. If anyone in Phoenix Battalion mistreats you, let me know and it will be handled.
  5. Blackweb

    I get TKd myself. However, I would suggest to anyone that consistently TKs myself or any member of PHX find another server. That said, PHX does not keep an ongoing KoS list and we do not hunt friendly players.
  6. Weatherford

    Did you truly expect your rebel alliance to hold fast at the sight of our glorious Republic? Not even the Vanu Soveignty could be convinced to stay apart of your excuse for Conglamoration. The day I see rebels band together under common purpose is the day I will take you seriously. Act fast; the Republic offers you no terms of surrender.
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  7. gommer556

    that was really lame. it sounds like your a 6 year old die hard terran fanboy living a fantasy world
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  8. Starbuck's Trooper

  9. Kylesal18

    I have been playing for about eh maybe 2 weeks on and off. I run an outfit for my friends which anyone can join. But, I have always seen PHX in the middle of the big fights and helping to win. The guys from PHX I have had the honor to service with in PUG squads have been awesome. Glad to see you guys!

  10. Blackweb

    I think he is doing a little roleplaying. I am not sure that is appropriate in this thread but I am not offended by it.
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  11. robo

    Nice to see someone mention this once in a while, the amount of people trying to tell me where to take my outfit sometimes is unbelievable.
  12. Cochise

    I thought it was funny. Judging by the way you immediately insulted a complete stranger over the internet, while at the same time defecating all over the rules of grammar, you are, in fact, the six year old.
  13. gommer556

    it was funny to me because he was role playing. it was not my intent to insult anyone. and you are now insulting me saying that im a six year old just because my grammar is not the best ON THE INTERNET.
  14. gommer556

    i was not offended by it, i thought i was funny
  15. steelslinga

    that's usually due to us (NC) spanking tr or vs..and their lil **** alts get on and tk you ...that's been going on since the betas...
  16. Badname82

    Pretty much what the guy above said...other than the same moron that puts his turret down in the warp gate all the time, the majority of NC trolling is simply alts from other factions. Level 2-3 characters who TK until they get locked and usually have names like "asdbga" or other 'I'll faceroll the keyboard to create a name'. That's an obvious troll alt thats meant to be deleted as soon as it gets locked. A serious troll would at least use a good name.

    The only real issue with NC outfits is the fact they use Orders channel as their personal recruiting platform. That's annoying spam and simply leads to recruiting failures (a reason why the largest outfit on NC-Jaeger has the worst reputation) and hostility from people actually trying to play the game.

    I suggest you add 'refrain from using order channel as your recruitment tool' to the list. It is simply low class, annoying, and only nets you losers who will make you look bad. If I see Pheonix around, I know we'll have a good fight. If I see these unmentioned orders spammers around, I expect to get TK'd or watch an hillariously fail assault.

    Numbers do not beat skill. My 4 man outfit of RL friends accomplishes more on Jaeger than many much larger spam outfits.

    The rare actual trolls on NC-Jaeger are easily dealt with my hunting them down and TK'ing them back. That annoys the mental midgets that like Tking...they cannot tolerate the same done back to them at all.
  17. Razzyman

    As one of Blackwebs officers I would just like to add my voice in support to what he has said.

    Bulletdance, I am sorry you had a bad time on Jaeger, I think that many of the people who made your experience less than desireable may have moved on, as command chat is better as of late. That being said if you are enjoying your experience more elsewhere, than it is likely a better place for you to be and while I mourn the loss of someone who seems to be a good leader (based on your story) I would never encourage you to come somewhere you don't enjoy. I wish you the best.

    To those of you who are TR and VS, we appreciate your compliments, and look forward to meeting you on the field of battle, I hope that more great fights await PHX and our allies. To our allies, your dedication to our empire is admirable, we are honored to fight along side you.
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  18. Blackweb

    I am fortunate to have a good officer corps in Phoenix Battalion. Officers like you make my job easier and make me look like I am a smarter and better leader than I really am :)
  19. Hellryder

    I agree completely. In my experience, hunting down and killing trolls doesn't work A) Because they don't care, they're gonna get banned eventually anyways. B) When you kill a troll a bunch of people usually see you walk up to a random ally and gun him down. Then they typically kill and/or report and troll you on chat. This just start a large chain of unpleasant events that just keeps repeating itself and making the game altogether unpleasant.
  20. Blackweb

    /shameless bump