Jackhammer extended magazine or laser?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by jdono67894, May 30, 2013.

  1. jdono67894

    So I bought the jackhammer knowing it is 'UP' just because I wanted it.
    Playing around with the laser sight and the extended mag is a bit hard to choose, laser sight lets me kill someone quicker (or so I believe) but extended mag can be a life saver if another guy turns up.

    What do you use and which seems better?
  2. Rhiaci

    Does laser even do anything on shotguns? I never noticed the spread getting tighter with one.

    Can't go wrong with extended Mag on shotguns imo.
  3. ArcKnight

    I'd recommend Extended mags
  4. Morti

    Extended mags no competition. The CoF of the Jackhammer is already small.

    Use burst mode and always try stop with 1 shell left for quick reload.

    IDK why people call this gun underpowered, I personally love the thing.

    here's some random clips i tossed together, most of which is jackhammer gameplay.

  5. Kon

    I run semi and extendo because i dislike burst fire for when i know 2 shots will be enough
  6. malden

    Extended mags all the way. 3shot burst, 3shot burst, 2sec reload rinse and repeat.